Li'l Magneto

Li'l Magneto

Li'l Magneto

The Mojoverse

Li'l Magneto's History

Li'l Magneto along with the rest of the Adorable X-Babies, was part of Mr. Veech's attempt at creating a more child-friendly version of the X-Men to replace the original X-Babies. He along with all the others was sent as far away from Mojoverse as possible by a Spiral powered Rogue. The Adorable X-Babies arrived on Earth-32518 and set up a life on their new home, until the Exiles arrived after Li'l Magneto stole Wolvie's pies. Blink helped stop Magneto, just before the Time-Eater consumed the reality and Li'l Magneto along with it. The reality was later restored and Khan and Li'l Magneto along with others helped the Exiles defeat the Time-Eater once and for all.