Komodo Dragon

Komodo Dragon

universe Invincible

Komodo Dragon's powers and abilities

Powers and Abilities:

Strength level: Komodo possesses superhuman strength to be able to lift up to 10 tons.

Skilled Brawler.

 Known superpowers

 Komodo can utilize powerful toxins generated inside his body as both offesive and defensive weapons when in close proximity combat. Komodo's teeth, nails, the tough scaly surface of his skin, as well as his battle suit all contain serrated edges containing microscopic protein pockets, home to a vast numbers of exotic bacteria. Komodo is immune to these, and through practice can avoid passing them on to others during normal activity, but in a battle situation, any contact with Komodo can pass these deadly bacterial contagions which can prove fatal over the following days. The effect is not only physical but psychological - people fear him and he likes that. Perhaps as a result of the circumstances that lead to his current superhuman state, Komodo has suffered damage to his hearing. And so, like his name sake, he cannot hear high or low pitched sound, but relies on an enhanced sense of smell to compensate. He exhibits reflexes and can run for short bursts at the level of an Olympic athlete. He can recover quickly  from injury, he has a high degree of tolerance to physical damsge, and his uniform makes him impervious to small arms fire. Komodo Dragon has come to rely more on his imposing size and sheer strength in combat than on any  particular fighting style or discipline.