Kinzo Ushiromiya

Kinzo Ushiromiya

universe Umineko When They Cry

Kinzo Ushiromiya's History

Kinzo was born from the Ushiromiya family. He spent most of his childhood in a hometown in Taiwan, having a childhood friend in Genji. At the time, the Ushiromiya family could not decide who the head should be, so the elders decided for Kinzo to play the role of head as their puppet for their own gains. As a result, Kinzo became a jaded person and described those times as "extremely long and gray days". He eventually married the daughter of a high aristocratic family from somewhere the elders forcibly chose for their own convenience and before he knew it, she bore him Krauss, Eva and Rudolf. Despite that, he did not care for them and begins to behave in a very abusive and misogynistic way towards them.

Soon after, Kinzo met Beatrice and received a mountain of gold, which he used to make many investments; he purchased the island of Rokkenjima and built a mansion on it. He also became immersed with the occult and black magic, eventually coming up with Beatrice's resurrection ceremony and creating the epitaph. Over time it became known that he and the witch became lovers until the latter's death. However, Kinzo continued to sleep with his other wife, leading to Rosa's birth.

At some point he took Natsuhi into the Ushiromiya family to be Krauss's wife.