

Wilson Fisk

Marvel Cinematic Universe

Kingpin's History

Wilson Grant Fisk is a powerful businessman with interests in the future of New York City by controlling the crime waves which brought him into conflict with some of his partners who betrayed him, as well as fighting the new vigilante Daredevil. His attempt to destroy and rebuild Hell's Kitchen was ruined when his criminal activities were leaked to the FBI, leading to his arrest. Fisk's criminal career did not end at his arrest. Within Ryker's Island, Fisk began building up a loyal band of criminals and came to run the prison. Seeking to destroy the crime competition in New York by the time he got free, Fisk assisted in the Punisher's escape, as he desired to eliminate competing criminal empires as the new Kingpin. This put Fisk in conflict with Nelson and Murdock who incarcerated him.

Desiring his freedom, Fisk then set about a plan to manipulate the FBI by leaking criminals within New York City to be placed in the Presidential Hotel where Fisk could continue all of his criminal activities while focusing most his efforts on exposing Matt Murdock as Daredevil. From his new position of power, Fisk had then blackmailed and manipulated multiple agents, including Benjamin Poindexter to aid him in framing Daredevil as a terrorist, while he also ensured that his name was cleared within the eyes of the law to ensure that Vanessa Marianna could return to him. However, Fisk's schemes were thwarted by the posthumous testimony of Ray Nadeem, while Poindexter learned of Fisk's manipulation of him, as Daredevil and Poindexter fought and eventually defeated Fisk, resulting in him and Marianna then being returned into prison.