King Shark

King Shark


universe Post-Crisis

King Shark's powers and abilities

Nanaue, The King Shark is able to breath under water, as well as on land very well making him exceptionally versatile and dangerous. He is (supposedly) the son of a Hawaiian Shark God.

Superhuman Strength / Berserker Strength

Nanaue possesses great superhuman strength. he can lift great amounts of weight, punch through steel or concrete and trade punches with characters like Superboy and Aquaman. Furthermore when King Shark enters a frenzy he is nearly unstoppable under the trance of fresh blood, destroying anything in his way. He might be stronger than Aquaman, which would put him in the 100 ton category. He has also been able to temporarily overpower OMAC during his rage.

Superhuman Durability / Healing Factor

King Shark is nearly invulnerable. He is bullet proof, can withstand extreme cold, crushing pressures and high levels of blunt trauma such as hits from class 100 characters like Aquaman and Superboy or even being dropped from a plane through concrete. In the case he is severely injured or looses his limbs, he can heal quite fast and even regrow the missing limbs.

Underwater Adaptation

Nanaue is at his element underwater. He can withstand the pressures and temperatures of the deep, swim at Super Speed, and function normally at the ocean floor. Additionally he is at his most powerful when in his element.

Claws / Teeth

King Shark has powerful teeth and claws that can cut through concrete and steel alike. In case he breaks some of them, they regrow just like his limbs. He has been able to bite into OMAC's armor, one of DC Earth's most powerful metahumans.

Enhanced Senses / Sonar

King Shark can see in the ocean floor. He also has an enhanced sense of smell and some sort of sonar that helps him navigate or sense his suroundings (even on land). Furthermore he can identify the place he is (anywhere) on the planet just by tasting the water.

Inteligence / Experience

King Shark is as intelligent as a human (though he seems far more animalistic). He can talk normally and also read. In Sword of Atlantis it was revealed he was also very skilled in swordmanship and melee combat and helped train Arthur Joseph Curry, the second Aquaman. He also has a very keen sense of humor and one of his greatest fears is being vegetarian.