

Vampire Diaries

Ken's History

Sometime before 8000 B.C., the gods were happy once. Every god except for Ken. His insatiable desire for conquest led him to find new places where he could be feared and loved. Ken, his sister, Lynn, and the other gods crossed into the mortal world from Peace and wars intensified. More and more human started arriving in Limbo, a slow trickle became a flood. Lynn thought it was unfair and saw the poor souls lost to wander in the darkness forever and took pity on them. She found a mother and child who died for no reason, and she thought, since the gods had taken away their happiness, she should ferry them across into Peace. Since they colonized their world, she settled them in theirs. When Ken found out, he cursed her. If she was so interested in helping humans, he would force her to do it for all eternity, never to return home. Always reaching the shore, but never able to actually set foot there.