

Kay Freyah

Kay's powers and abilities

Time Manipulation: Kay can manipulate and affect all flows of time, he can speed it up, slow it down, loop it, stop it, jump into the past, jump into the future, and reverse it. Time to Kay is more of like Fundamental force that exists as a law of all dimensions and concepts, something interesting about Kay's time manipulation is that he can use it on concepts, Concepts have temporal states that Kay can manipulate and affect (which to some degree allows him to be above or manipulate concepts such as Good and Evil). Kay has once reversed the concept of morality to help him focus on an enemy and not worry about outside things.

Kay can also increase his strength to unheard levels of power through Time. By slowing down time for himself, Kay can take more time to build up speed and force behind his punch. Even if the actual punch appears to take the same amount of time from an outside perspective, Kay experiences and utilizes more time to gather momentum and power. Kay has also can reverse the ages of people or increase their ages. Kay can also reverse the flow of causality allows Kay to make effects precede causes. This creates situations where an outcome happens before its initiating action. For example, he can hit someone before the fight even starts. or kill someone before they actually know they are dead.

Kay can also freeze a person state of being to prevent healing. Kay, due to time being such a fundamental force, he can Reverse the effects of his own story being rewritten or erased, and has done this, making him semi resistant to his own creator.

Due to Kay's intellect he can quickly master techniques, as well as form plans, he can deduce things faster than even the smartest humans and by just hearing a language once will be able to understand and speak fluently. his intellect allows him to use his Time power perfectly which is why hes so powerful, not his actual time power, but his intellect.

Kay's weaknesses

though Kay is as strong as they come, he is also cocky and isnt omniscicent, meaning he isnt all knowing and typically is too confident when fights go in his favor which can cause him to slip up. Kay has had his IQ deduced by people who can remove such things from a person. but due to his time manipulation he was able to get it back (this was BEFORE he knew he could manipulate casuality)