


universe Marvel Cinematic Universe

Kasius's powers and abilities

Kree Physiology: As a Kree, Kasius has there natural attributes such as blue skin coloration as well as superhuman strength, durability, recuperation, and more. This allowed him to maintain control in the Lighthouse through force when needed, even if many of his guards had his back.

Superhuman Strength: Although he had no reason to use it very much as Humans did not usually fight back, Kasius' Kree physiology allowed him to be very strong, putting fear into possible uprisings.

Superhuman Durability: Kasius' physiology also allowed him to have very durable skin. Despite Jemma Simmons knife being able to cut through Kasius' skin, it barely bled and just left a minor scar, much to Kasius' annoyance.

Superhuman Agility: Kasius naturally had great agility, allowing him to battle Alphonso Mackenzie and get the upper hand for a short time, beating him senselessly.

Superhuman Stamina: Kasius possessed great stamina which helped him in battles. However, he did not find himself in battles all too often.

Superhuman Reflexes: Like all Kree, Kasius was able to shift his body at great speeds to dodge incoming attacks.

Regenerative Healing Factor: As with all Kree, Kasius possessed a healing factor which allowed him to recover from injuries in a short time. When his face was slit by Jemma Simmons, his face already formed a scar in a matter of hours, easily stopping the bleeding. However, he was still prone to attacks such as one to the heart, which was the fatal blow that killed him.

Longevity: Kasius lived for many years, as do all Kree. He was alive in 2018 when Earth was destroyed. He then used that to be able to rule the remaining Humans on Earth.



Intelligence90 IQ
Strength200 kg • 441 lb
Speed6 m/s

Super Powers

AgilityLongevityReflexesStaminaAccelerated Healing