
OC Kallungi


universe Superhero Database Original Characters

Kallungi's History

Kallungi the lion troll lived Revalir'r, but he loved to torment and kill creatures for the fun of it. He went to earth to look for people to kill and then he went to Africa, were he ate baboons and impala and people. He killed a leopard with his bare hands and took down an entire village of people. Kallungi eventually fought superheroes like cHeethakid, Nightknife, and Intellence. he Beet all of them, and went back, but was eventually defeated. Kallungi has a blasting stick made out a extremely strong metal which can shoot energy blasts, absorb energy, and create fields. Kallungi is very strong, fast, and durable. He is invulnerable to weapons like bullets and swords. He is very cool. Kallungi has enough power to kill people who can destroy planets and his weapon can hart uneversal people.