


universe Dragon Ball Verse

Kale's powers and abilities


n the anime, while Caulifla has great faith in her potential, Kale has very limited in power while in her base form as in the Tournament of Power her blasts were easily repelled and her strikes caused little to no damage as shown by Goku and Methiop respectively. In the case of the latter, she was also easily placed in a restraining hold by Napapa while Methiop beat her to a pulp.

Once transforming, she shows a gargantuan increase in power. In the anime, originally, her transformations were only triggered by her built-up anger and/or repressed emotions and due to her continued lack of control, would burn through huge amounts of energy quickly. As she continued to use her power in the Tournament of Power, in addition to growing stronger with more efficiency in its usage, she also came to gain proper control them, able to access them at will and with no visible drain on stamina and energy. During the tournament, Kale's transformed power was able to upturn large portions of the arena with her physical attacks even causing a large crater with a mere scream despite it being made of Kachi Katchin, bombard the arena with a wave of powerful ki blasts.

In her first transformed battle in the anime, Legendary Super Saiyan Kale was able to completely overpower both Caulifla and Cabba, who were both fighting her in Super Saiyan form, able to pummel the latter around with little resistance. While Caulifla was able to deflect one of Kale's blasts once evolving into Super Saiyan 2, it was only hearing Caulifla's praises that calmed down Kale to cease the rampage. In the Tournament of Power, when her transformation was triggered by Goku, she completely manhandled the Super Saiyan 2 and even remained unfazed by a point-blank Super Saiyan Blue Kamehameha, even walking clean through it. She then proceeded to batter Goku around more, although he emerged basically unharmed. As her rampage continued, her surging power began causing random attacks on all other fighters in the tournament, even eliminating Methiop. She also effortlessly broke free Vuon's Justice Whip and subsequently eliminate him. Ultimately, it took the intervention of Jiren, a being of Destroyer-like might, to stop the rampage and knock her out, who did so with a simple ki blast.

In the anime, during Universe 11's assault on Caulifla, Kale's desire to save her best friend and rage towards her own weakness was focused into a stable Super Saiyan form, unleashing energy capable of breaking through a separate dimension - which even Android 17 could not do. During an energy clash alongside Caulifla against Kahseral, Zoiray, and Kettol, Kale was able to unleash her full power again, reentering her Legendary Super Saiyan form but still able to focus on her intended goal, aiding Caulifla to fire a combined energy beam to eliminate the three Pride Troopers.

Before he went into meditation, Jiren seemingly acknowledged Kale as one of the warriors in the tournament that he was needed for. When facing Goku as he began to recover from battling Jiren, Super Saiyan Kale and Super Saiyan 2 Caulifla were able to pressure Goku despite his improved performance, even forcing him to momentarily use Super Saiyan 3. Desiring to make Caulifla proud, Kale accessed her full power of Legendary Super Saiyan. While momentarily making her turn savage again, Caulifla's ceaseless praise and confidence in her reached Kale's consciousness, letting her harness and intensify her power, showing more might than any of her forms previously showed, enough to momentarily deter Jiren from his meditation. Once properly synchronizing her attacks with Caulifla, they were able to force Goku on a complete defense. At the same time, Kale's raw strength was shown able to initially overwhelm Goku, plowing him through solid rock, until he regained his composure to push her away. Against Super Saiyan God Goku, Kale was initially able to fight on par with her foe, until Goku fought more seriously, calmly overwhelming the two while Kale barely repelled his blast.


In the manga, despite her insecurities, Kale is shown to actually be highly capable. While keeping it low-key, she is in fact the strongest Saiyan of Universe 6. Even before learning Super Saiyan, she was already well-ahead of other Universe 6 Saiyan using said power. She was fast enough to steal a Sadala soldier's blaster without him realizing it from a distance and just as easily crush it with her bare hand. Also, in her base form she is able to steal a pendant from Super Saiyan Cabba during his fight with Caulifla, without either of the two noticing. Caulfila claims that Kale has a lot of potential but has ways to go, though it appears that Kale is hiding her true power from Caulifla. In the Tournament of Power, Kale's abilities come into display, when she uses he true power she effortlessly overpowers and throws Dercori out of the stage. Her immense speed allowed her to catch Frieza off-guard a few times and strike him off balance without Super Saiyan Caulifla or Cabba, or Golden Frieza realizing her presence. Once Frieza adjusted to Kale's tactics and caught her, he easily took her down alongside Caulifla, albeit Frieza notes that Kale's strikes hurt him more than Super Saiyan Caulifla's did.

When Kale takes on her Super Saiyan form, she catches the non-serious Frieza off-guard - as he believes he will be fighting a "mere" Super Saiyan - and effortlessly pummels the tyrant across the stage. Frieza is annoyed at this different type of Super Saiyan power, but smirks at his foe. When Goku intervenes as a Perfected Super Saiyan Blue, he has the initial upper hand against Kale, even landing a solid kick onto the female Saiyan. However, Kale quickly rebounds and continues her assault against Goku, growing in strength and ki at a very rapid rate, eventually managing to break Goku's guard and nearly landing a blow. At this point Frieza notes that where he to get serious he could defeat Kale by himself. Angered at her failed attempt, she proceeds to take on a Power Stressed state, shocking both Goku and Frieza. However, a concerned Vados noted that this extreme growth rate was causing Kale to lose control and could ultimately turn her into a danger for every one in the Tournament of Power.

With her newfound power, she struck the ground with such force that it demolished a large portion of the arena and launched a powerful shockwave that eliminated several fighters and startled the Gods of Destruction at her raw power. She then began rampaging against everyone, swiftly eliminated all of Team Universe 4 and even smashing through Toppo and Perfected Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta simultaneously which almost eliminated the two - though did no damage to either of them. Her actions them prompted Team Universe 3 to merge their four main fighters into Anilaza. Despite this fusion's massive size and increase in power, the berserker Kale effortlessly eliminated the foe in a single strike, also eliminating the rest of Team Universe 3. She then proceeded to quickly eliminate teams Universe 2 and Universe 10. She then proceeded to lift the massively heavy Auta Magetta of 1,000 tons and toss him out of the arena with a single hand and likewise eliminate Pirina and Saonel. Even Super Saiyan Cabba was powerless before Kale, narrowly being saved by Vegeta. Her growing power then began overwhelming 6 members of Team Universe 11. However, her reckless and pure displays of raw might soon became predictable, letting the team more effectively dodge her assaults and collectively overwhelm her. After observing her in battle, Vegeta concluded that she was not worth his time as a foe.

Ultimately, the unstably growing power of Kale forced Caulifla to fuse with her fellow Saiyan as a last attempt to stop her rampage before it became too much.

Techniques and Special Abilities

Flight - Kale possesses the ability to fly using ki.

Ki Blast - The most basic form of energy wave.

Gigantic Impact - Kale's version of the Eraser Cannon in her version of Super Saiyan in an attempt to kill Cabba. Named in Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle.

Blaster Meteor - While in her Legendary Super Saiyan form Kale is seen using this technique in the Tournament of Power, eliminating Methiop in the process.

Trap Shooter - Kale fires a cluster of green ki blasts at her opponent. Used against Super Saiyan 2 Goku.

Resist Cannon - Normal form Kale's special attack from Dragon Ball Heroes.

Gigantic Shout - Legendary Super Saiyan form Kale's special attack from Dragon Ball Heroes.

Resist Blast - Kale fires a yellow or green energy wave. Used against the Pride Trooper's United Justice Stream and against Super Saiyan God Goku.

Gigantic Blast - Kale and Caulifla in their transformed states combine their green and red energy waves similar to the Final Kamehameha.


Super Saiyan - In the anime, Kale achieved this form to escape her dimensional prison and save Caulifla from the Pride Trooper's group assault. This came from her self-loathing at not being better when it was most needed and even more from the desire to become better due to Caulifla's belief in her even in a dire situation. In this form, she grows noticeably taller and likewise increases in muscle mass and build; while not nearly as much as her berserker form, she is almost as large as Super Saiyan God Goku in both regards. Her hair is golden with a slight green tint and her aura is the normal golden color. Her hair spikes up and she loses her ponytail and retains visible turquoise irises. This form is Kale's standard Super Saiyan form as well as the base state of her berserker form, allowing her to focus her power without losing her rationality more easily, though still cannot access the same full power of Berserker Super Saiyan for as long without tiring.

Legendary Super Saiyan - In the anime, while attempting to learn to become a Super Saiyan like Caulifla did, initially, Kale's lack of drive failed at the goal. Once feeling that Caulifla was more interested in Cabba, Kale accessed a unique Super Saiyan form of overwhelming power, which is thought by Vegeta to be the true form of a Saiyan. In the manga, she achieved it to stop Golden Frieza from overwhelming Caulifla. This came from her feeling indebted to Caulifla for giving her a home and wanted to insure Caulfila would not lose face. While in this state, she grows considerably larger which likewise acquires a much bulkier and more muscular frame. She bears a striking resemblance to Legendary Super Saiyan Broly, having green hair that turns spiky and sticks out, freed from the ponytail, a green aura, and her eyes turn sharper and blank. Although comparatively to Broly, Kale is not as massive and still feminine in frame. In this form, while her clothing remains intact, her sheer size makes her shirt appear as a tank top. In the manga, her muscle definition and mass originally remains unchanged when transforming into this state, even with her berserk-mentality, however her muscle mass gradually increases as she powers up, appearing similar to the C-type state and eventually reaching a similar musculature that's usual to the Legendary state.

Originally, this form caused Kale's meek demeanor to turn beastly and maniacal-like. This ultimately made her unable to truly control her actions in battle, which Piccolo noted is her greatest weakness. Her initial lack of control would cause her to grow angrier the longer she battled in this state and likewise quickly burn out on stamina and energy. Despite this and the massive stature of it, she does not appear to be hindered in speed or agility, contrasting to other Power Stressed forms, suggesting perhaps her speed to be "ultra first-class." Her intense power become able to instantly fire potent blasts and from places other than her hands, such as her chest or even a massive barrage in several directions at once. Her natural endurance and resilience is also greatly increased, able to brush off most attacks without defending and remain virtually unfazed. Her savage style of fighting however made her attacks more obvious and easy to dodge, letting fast foes gradually adapt to her assaults. Another weakness, mentioned only in the manga is that Kale's ever growing power risked destroying her if she did not calm down.

In the anime, after further evolving her power in a desire to save Caulifla, Kale was able to harness her power and suppress it into a regular Super Saiyan form that was stable yet unique, regaining her full self-awareness and kind nature. When pushing the full power of her Super Saiyan form, Kale would again return to her massive form, but stayed less violent, able to focus on her true goal without going on a rampage. However, without the growing anger from before, the form became even more taxing on her stamina and ki, causing her to revert to her base form and fall unconscious after a beam struggle.

Super Saiyan 2 - In the anime, during her second fight against Goku, wanting to finally fight alongside Caulifla as an equal, Kale unleashed the full power of her berserker form. While initially turn savage again, Caulifla's continued words of encouragement resonated with Kale, enabling her to completely harness and control the capacities of her berserker form. Subconsciously condensing and focusing the power into an even stronger yet fully stable state, Kale became able to use said power as its peak with no loss of her mentality or stamina. This form essentially looks similar to her standard Super Saiyan form, the differences being that her hair color becomes a solid green, and the bang on the right side of her face falls down instead of curling upward. While in this form, Kale was able to hold her own against Super Saiyan God Goku to a certain extent.


Kefla - Kefla is the product of a Potara Fusion between Kale and Caulifla. With the combined might of both Saiyans amplified to such immense levels, Kefla is easily one of the most powerful beings in Dragon Ball franchise. As it's not a fusion involving a Kai, the fusion lasts only 1 hour at most, rather than being permanent. Originally, she was formed in desperation to defeat Goku, who was overwhelming the pair in his Super Saiyan God form. At only base form, this fusion had a great advantage against Super Saiyan God Goku, however, it is important to note that Goku at that point was worn out from the battle with Jiren.

Despite being a fusion of Caulifla and Kale, Kefla's personality is seemingly identical to Caulifla's. After being born, Kefla remarks she feels great, displaying Caulifla's overbearing confidence. During her initial scuffle with Goku, Kefla also displays Caulifla's cocky attitude, calling Super Saiyan God Goku's attacks "lame". Also, Kefla did seem to be genuinely afraid when Goku managed to reactivate his Ultra Instinct -Sign- against her and the realization of being potentially defeated by him seemed to have made Kefla develop a strong determination towards defeating Goku to the point it appeared she was deliberately trying to destroy him in a fit of rage.