Johann Krauss

Johann Krauss

Johann Krauss

Hellboy (2004-2008 Movies)

Johann Krauss's powers and abilities

Because Johann is made of ectoplasm and has no physical body, he requires neither sleep nor food. However, the extreme sensitivity of his psychic powers makes him vulnerable to psychic attack. His physical ectoplasm can be overtaken by stronger spirits, who are then made corporeal. (This can be either dangerous or helpful, depending on the spirit's nature.)The only protection Johann has from dissipation is his B.P.R.D.-built containment suit; once the suit is breached, he must find a new container for his essence as soon as possible or he will cease to be. Whether or not the suit is affected by temperature is unclear; during a mission to Canada (during B.P.R.D.:The Black Flame) Johann wore a parka over his suit, although it is possible that he wore it to either fit in with the other members or because his containment suit lacks pockets, as he makes a reference in an earlier story that he said that he thought that he would never be warm again.Krauss is also a capable shot with most conventional firearms, as seen in The Black Flame.