

Dragon Ball Verse

Jimizu's History

Dragon Ball Super

In the manga, he gets knocked out of the ring alongside Prum by Android 18 without showing any sort of power or techniques during the first few minutes of the tournament.

In the anime, Jimizu is seen teleporting around Goku, who was in his Super Saiyan form. Jimizu gets ready to attack Goku, but Caulifla intercepts him and knocks him away. Later on, he, along with several other members of his team, cheered on the Kamikaze Fireballs during their transformation sequence.

After Kakunsa was eliminated and Ribrianne and Roasie were losing to Android 17 and Goku, Jimizu showed up and teleported all three of them away via his Instant Transmission. Afterwards, he eliminated Zircor by firing a Ki blast at him which pushed him off the arena, with Brianne and Su watching, explaining that love and hope will never die.

Jimizu is seen confronting Gohan and with his Instant Transmission, Jimizu is easily able to best Gohan in the fight until Frieza arrives. Frieza originally wanted to observe the fight, but then takes over when Frieza viewed his Universe 7 teammate as weak. Jimizu again uses his Instant Transmission, but Frieza is easily able to counter it. Frieza then tortures Jimizu by strangling him with his tail and shoots a ki blast into his chest before he is thrown out of the ring. As Jimizu tries to recover in the spectator stands, Heles talks about how repulsive Frieza was in the fight. Jimizu manages to make a full recovery and watch the rest of the Tournament with his teammates. Jimizu does a final love pose and is erased alongside all of Universe 2.

Jimizu is later revived with his universe when Android 17 uses the Super Dragon Balls to resurrect all of the universes that were erased. Jimizu is seen crying tears of joy with the rest of his team as they are being cheered on by a crowd of people.