

Jiaying Johnson

Marvel Cinematic Universe

Jiaying's powers and abilities

Inhuman Physiology: Jiaying was an Inhuman who achieved her genetic potential after undergoing Terrigenesis, gaining superhuman powers. She used her knowledge of Inhumans to train and teach other Inhumans for decades before they went through Terrigenesis.

Life-Force Absorption: Jiaying could absorb the life force of another being by touch. This power allowed her to heal rapidly from otherwise fatal wounds and also allowed her to regress any aging she experienced, thus greatly extending her youth and overall lifespan. This power was sought out by Daniel Whitehall who tore her up and was able to extract the power for himself and make himself younger.

Regenerative Healing Factor: Jiaying was able to come back to life with just some scars when most of her internal organs were removed due to surgery after her husband stitched her body back together. After shooting herself, she was able to absorb a life to heal the bullet wounds. However, it never healed fully as she still had scars.

Longevity: Jiaying ages very slowly with her absorption powers, having been noted to live for several lifetimes.



Intelligence90 IQ
Strength100 kg • 220 lb
Speed6 m/s

Super Powers

LongevityRegenerationDeath Touch