

universe Star Trek

Jem'Hadar's powers and abilities

Rapid Maturation - Jem'Hadar are capable of advanced language and cognitive skills within days of being birthed from their pods.

Hardy Bodies - An adult Jem'Hadar's body was durable enough to shrug off low power phaser beams and their musculature made them several times stronger than average humans.

Shroud - The Jem'Hadar had the ability to "shroud" themselves, a form of camouflage that acted as a personal cloaking field, effectively hiding them and their weapons from both sensors and the naked eye. However, they had to drop this effect when attacking.

Ketracel-White - Adult Jem'Hadar did not require sleep, and their sole source of nourishment was the drug ketracel-white, which provided the Jem'Hadar with all necessary nutrients, as well as an isogenic enzyme that had been deliberately omitted from their metabolism.

Jem'Hadar's weaknesses

Ketracel-White Withdrawal - Without a steady supply of white, Jem'Hadar suffered withdrawal symptoms: their circulatory systems begins to shut down, beginning with muscle spasms. Psychologically, they became uncontrollably violent, attacking their enemies and allies indiscriminately.