Jem'Hadar Battleship

Jem'Hadar Battleship

Dominion Battleship

History of Jem'Hadar Battleship

The Jem'Hadar or Dominion battleship was a type of warship introduced in the Alpha Quadrant in 2374, shortly after the outbreak of the Dominion War. On stardate 51825, the Federation starship USS Valiant conducted a mission to collect technical data on a new battleship operating in their sector. After spending three hours collecting data on the vessel, it was determined that it was a direct threat to every Federation outpost and colony within fifty light years and that it had to be destroyed. Believing they found a weakness in the design of the ship, they engaged the ship and were subsequently destroyed with ease by the battleship leaving only Jake Sisko, Nog, and a Red Squad cadet, Dorian Collins left to escape. A Jem'Hadar battleship was used in the assault of at least one of the eighteen Cardassian Rebellion bases in late 2375. Several of these ships participated in the Battle of Cardassia. Afterward, they and the other Dominion forces retreated to the orbit of Cardassia Prime to join the defense of that planet.

Jem'Hadar Battleship is also known as; Dominion Battleship