Jai Long

Jai Long

Abidan Archives

Jai Long's History

Child Prodigy

Jai Long was the son of a leading family in the Jai clan, located in Serpent’s Grave, a big city in the heart of the Blackflame Empire. His clan follows the Path of the Stellar Spear. He was the bright hope of his clan, the only one to show promise of advancing to Underlord. This all came crashing down at age fourteen.

Jail Long was a peak Jade already at age fourteen, with a brilliant future, when he was ambushed. In the heat of battle, he advanced to Lowgold by taking a corrupted Remnant into his spirit, which permanently disfigured his face, leading to his being disowned and banished. His sister Jai Chen, only six years old at the time, was also attacked and seriously injured, and left the clan alongside her brother.

Banished, the two met Gokren and Kral of the Sandviper Sect. This was a relief to the shell-shocked fourteen-year-old and his little sister. The welcome may have been partly because Jai Long added to the Sandviper’s strength, being the second strongest of the entire Sandviper sect after their current chief.

For years he sought healing for his sister and vengeance on his clan, especially Patriarch Jai Daishou. To do this, he followed the Sandviper Sect to the Transcendant Ruins in the Desolate Wilds, where his clan’s legendary Ancestor's Spear was kept. He eventually achieved this goal, but Kral was killed by an Iron, Wei Shi Lindon, who had just been adopted by the Arelius family. Enraged, a duel was scheduled in one year's time between Jai Long and Lindon.

During the following year, Jai Long hunted down his original clansmen, taking their madra for himself using the abilities of his new spear and eventually reaching Truegold. He was finally stopped by Jai Daishou himself, who spared his life in exchange for his service to the clan. Jai Long quite easily defeated Lindon during their duel, sparing his life due to his role in curing his sister, only taking his right arm. He then fled upon Jai Daishou's death at the hands of Eithan Arelius, taking his sister to a fabled land to the far west, which was in reality Sacred Valley.

When the two arrived in Sacred Valley, they encountered Orthos and Wei Shi Kelsa. Together, they battled the Heaven's Glory School, but were outmatched due to the valley's suppression field. Jai Long and his sister later fled the rampage of the Wandering Titan, later joining the newborn Twin Stars Sect.

Jai Long was later drafted by the Skysworn to battle the Dreadgod Cults in Sacred Valley, during which he advanced to Underlord, mostly curing his disfigured face. He started a cautious relationship with Wei Shi Kelsa, but was killed in the attack of the Silent King before telling her his past sins.