

Isadora Wellington-Smythe


Iota's powers and abilities

Powers and Abilities


Size Alteration: Through concentration, Iota can reduce her physical size to nearly microscopic levels or restore herself to normal human size at will. The source of her shrinking power stems from being exposed to unidentified energies from the subatomic universe called the Inniverse. When Iota reduces in size, she creates a reducing field that temporarily shunts much of her body's normal mass into the atmosphere of the Inniverse. When she returns to her normal height, Iota creates an enlarging field that causes her body to reclaim the mass that was shunted extradimensionally. Typically, Iota shrinks to a height of four inches, which is the most practical size for her during Shadow Cabinet missions. However, she in capable of shrinking to nearly microscopic sizes with ease.

Shrinking is effortless for Iota as is reverting to her normal size. There is no limit to how long she can remain at reduced size. If Iota is rendered unconscious while in her reduced state, she remains at that size and does not spontaneously revert to normal size.

Iota can also shrink or enlarge inanimate objects within a distance of about six feet from any part of her body. She once shrunk an aircraft carrier to nearly microscopic size without taxing her abilities. Curiously, objects that Iota shrinks turn bright pink, a color they retain upon reverting to normal size.

Iota can also shrink living beings like her fellow Shadow Cabinet teammates without them suffering any ill effects. Interestingly, unlike inanimate objects, people that are shrunk by Iota's powers retain their normal coloration upon reverting to normal size.


Physics: Iota is a genius in the field of physics with a particular expertise in subatomic realms like the Inniverse.

Gadgetry: She is also a brilliant inventor.

Aviation Iota is an excellent pilot of fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft, Thievery: Isadora is an accomplished thief.