

Latest Comments

These are the 50 latest comments made by IDKAGoodName

39 months member
Thor (MCU) strange only wins if allowed to use time stone (which he never does). Thor is faster and his weapon one shots Strange. That argument of strange was fighting Thanos with 4 stones is kinda retarded as Thanos defeated Strange and Strange didn't even damage Thanos. You might respond with "oh but Thanos had to use the stones to defeat him so Strange > base Thanos" not really as then you would be saying that the asgardian ship is stronger than Thanos as he used the power stone to destroy it.
IDKAGoodName 3 y 3 mo 6 d
39 months member
why is this SCP in tier infinite? the SCP is still growing in power so it can't be infinite.
39 months member
not voted NGL I feel that Ronan wins.
While Malekith has the more powerful stone (reality not only has reality warping but has the same damage the power stone does which is weird but whatever) Ronan has a more powerful base, his weapon is OP and he was able to take the Hadron Collider with almost no damage done to him.