Icon Of Sin

Icon Of Sin

universe Doom Universe

Icon Of Sin's powers and abilities

The Icon of Sin is most likely one of the most powerful demons to appear in the Doom series. Due to his great size and build, he has immense strength, durability and surprising speed which is further increased by his Maykr armor.

The Icon can throw flames from his hands and forehead. He can launch fireballs and a charged, concentrated beam from his head. He also summons meteors that rain from the sky. The Icon can also absorb the energy of demons and Makyr Drones near it.

Once a part of its body has sustained enough damage and is destroyed, it becomes immune to further damage.

The Icon of Sin also grows stronger the longer he is on Earth while his presence warps reality and if left alone would destroy Earth and create a black hole that would drag the whole dimension he is in into Hell.