I need help with deciding on doves or butterflies
Created by masterking2, 1 y 10 mo 11 d ago.
One of my ocs The magician is a part of a "class" of superheroes called conjurers(magic users). I've noticed that all conjuers have a theme,but the magician doesn't. So I need help deciding if his theme should be classic magicians and modern smoke bomb illusionists or Intoxicating demon of misdirection.
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MaseTheFace 1 y 10 mo 6 d
I need help with deciding on doves or butterflies #
ultron 1 y 10 mo 10 d
I need help with deciding on doves or butterflies #
doves for sure
yes 1 y 10 mo 11 d
I need help with deciding on doves or butterflies #
Doves > butterflies