I confess I�??m a Spider-Man fanboy
Created by Poe, 4 y 18 d ago.
This is where all the fanboys confess that they are a fanboy, I only made this because I�??m bored as hell
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Tyrannus 4 y 16 d
I confess I�??m a Spider-Man fanboy #
I believe we already had a forum like this before here: https://www.superherodb.com/who-are-you-bias-towards/100-3524/
Hurricano 4 y 17 d
I confess I�??m a Spider-Man fanboy #
He’s one of my top favorite but I’m not a fan boy
Ezio 4 y 18 d
I confess I�??m a Spider-Man fanboy #
May the merciful Lord have pity on thee and forgive thee thy faults.