
OC Hurricano

Johnattan Leilani

universe Superhero Database Original Characters

Hurricano's History

born in dallas texas to a quiet little family around 8yrs old he found out that his wasn't his dad at all his dad was some sort of sea lord when he hit the age of 14 he was a small sickly little boy and his sea lord dad passed away he passed his powers down to the young lad one dad he was sitting down by the lake when a group of bully attacked him and tried to droned him but as his face was under the water I realized that was wasn't dronding he could breath and could sea perfectly and the water bent to him will so he forced the water on to the land submerging 1mile in each direction in 30 ft of water killing the bullys and 700 cillivan scaried of his new powers he ran away to the Hawaiian island where he met thunder girl who taught him to control his powers