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Humans (Above Fiction)

Humans (Above Fiction)

Superhero Database Original Characters

Humans's powers and abilities

Creation and Destruction: Humans have the power to create fictional universes and characters, and just as easily, they can erase them. A stroke of a pen or a press of a key can alter or end fictional lives.

Narrative Control: Humans control the storyline, determining a character's actions, thoughts, and even their innermost feelings. This grants humans a level of influence that no fictional character can ever achieve.

Conceptual Authority: Basic elements of fictional worlds like time, space, and even abstract concepts like love or justice, are all human constructs. Humans can redefine these at will, altering the very fabric of a fictional universe.

Meta-Existence: Humans exist in a plane of reality that is fundamentally different and separate from the fictional. This disconnect makes it impossible for fictional entities to even comprehend, much less affect, human existence.

Immutability: While fictional characters can be revised, rebooted, or retconned, the collective consciousness of humanity remains constant and unchanging in relation to the fiction they create.

Reality Shaping: Fiction often reflects human thoughts, beliefs, and societal norms. By changing the collective mindset, humans can indirectly reshape the worlds and characters they've created.

Infinite Possibilities: The human imagination is boundless, capable of creating endless variations of characters and worlds, each more complex or powerful than the last. This makes humans inherently unpredictable and impossible to counter.

Transcendence: Even the most powerful fictional characters, described as omnipotent within their own realms, are still bound by the limitations of their narrative, which is ultimately controlled by human thought.

Moral and Ethical Complexity: Humans possess the ability to imbue characters with moral and ethical dilemmas, creating internal conflicts that can weaken or destabilize them, adding another layer of vulnerability.

Cultural Impact: The importance or relevance of a fictional character can be determined by the collective interest of humans. Lack of interest can relegate a character to obscurity, effectively "erasing" them.



Intelligence200 IQ

Super Powers
