How Many Cups of Coffee do you have?
Created by BlotskyA, 3 y 11 mo 5 d ago.
This is a fun Random Forum about Coffee
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Fii 2 y 3 mo 3 d
How Many Cups of Coffee do you have? #
I love to drink Frappuccino
JuggarNot 3 y 11 mo 2 d
How Many Cups of Coffee do you have? #
If we're talking the 6 oz cup of coffee probably 3 to 4 in the morning and 1 to two in the afternoon. I'm firmly addicted and have physical withdrawal symptoms if I go without, kind of scary.
Hurricano 3 y 11 mo 5 d
How Many Cups of Coffee do you have? #
I drank coffee all day long bc it doesn’t work on me and I like the taste