
How do I create a new character page?

Created by HorrorKing710, 1 mo 28 d ago.

I've been wanting to make a Dodorex page but I don't know how to.


MoNsTeR 1 mo 27 d
How do I create a new character page?
56 months member
you can create whatever character you want if you mean OC of course, but don't use anything that is related to copyright
Last edited: 1 mo 27 d ago.
amaltaas 1 mo 27 d
How do I create a new character page?
6 months member
You can either add an OC by going into Admin and adding an OC, or if the character is from an existing universe, you can go to Admin, click Request, and then request a character.
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amaltaas 1 mo 27 d
How do I create a new character page?
6 months member
Also I suggest you go to Help to ask these questions instead of making new forum posts each time