

The Dark Statue Of Liberty

Superhero Database Original Characters

HLA-2019's History

Anomaly Designation: HLA-2019 "The Dark Statue of Liberty"

Origins and Initial Discovery

First noticed on August 23, 2023, the anomaly known as "The Dark Statue of Liberty" emerged as a phenomenon that left New York City and the world captivated. Materializing in New York Harbor during each new moon phase, it mirrors the position and posture of the original Statue of Liberty.

Physical Description and Properties

Unlike the familiar greenish-blue patina of the original, the Dark Statue of Liberty possesses a complexion of deep, dark grey, appearing almost as a silhouette against the night sky. Her eyes are strikingly pure white, creating a powerful contrast with her dark form. Like her counterpart, she holds a torch and tabula ansata, but the dark figure's torch seems to consume light, standing out as a void against the night.

What sets this anomaly apart from the real statue is its capacity for movement. She can adjust her gaze, subtly shift her stance, and even alter the pose of her arms. Those who meet her white-eyed gaze report feeling a profound surge of resolve and courage.

Studying the Anomaly

Studying the Dark Statue of Liberty presents unique challenges due to her ephemeral nature. Attempts to physically interact with the statue result in objects or individuals passing through her as though she were an apparition.

Any effort to capture images or videos of the Dark Statue has yielded only pictures of the original Statue of Liberty. It seems the anomaly can only be directly observed in real-time, which has fueled the mystery surrounding it.

Impact on New York City and the World

The manifestation of the Dark Statue of Liberty has become a celebrated event in New York City. During each new moon, crowds gather to witness her appearance, and observers often describe a sense of strengthened community and determination that accompanies her presence.

In the global scientific community, the Dark Statue of Liberty has sparked much debate and curiosity. Hypotheses about her nature range from inter-dimensional phenomena to shared psychic manifestations.

Regardless of her origins or the mysteries she embodies, the Dark Statue of Liberty, with her dark grey complexion and pure white eyes, continues to captivate and inspire, serving as a symbol of enduring resilience and unity in the heart of one of the world's most iconic cities.