

universe Gleipnir Universe

Hikawa's powers and abilities

Nanotech Upgrade - Like all Monsters in the Gleipnir universe, Hikawa has ingested a nanotech cocktail that, on top of giving her a monstrous transformation, has greatly enhanced her normal human physique to near superhuman levels. Her life expectancy and senses have also been increased. Her body appears to repair itself fairly rapidly, being able to heal from broken bones and the like in only a few minutes.

Transformation - Upon transforming, Hikawa grows a set of massive claws on her hands and feet, which spread up her arms and legs, creating armor. Her abilities have mostly been concentrated into her legs, allowing her to leap (at minimum) 6 stories and outrun most vehicles. Her clawed appendages are deadly and can rip a normal person apart.

Hikawa's weaknesses

Bullets - Hikawa found herself generally overmatched by Shuichi's enormous strength, although she was able to keep up until her leg was broken. She then discovered that a 30 mm round would kill her.