

Star Ratings set by Hesperus

Hesperus has rated 767 profiles and pages. With an average of 7.52 stars.

AllCharacterHubTeamSuper PowerPublisherImageArtistBattleForumObjectLocationCollectionUniverse
Rating Profile / Page
Alucard (Post-Schrodinger) (Hellsing) - vs - SCP-3812 (SCP)
The One-Above-All - vs - Metanormalcy (SCP)
God (Seekers Into The Mystery) - vs - SCP-3812 (SCP)
Yog-Sothoth (Cthulhu Mythos) - vs - Scarlet Demon (SCP)
Eru Ilúvatar (J.R.RTN) - vs - The One-Above-All & The Presence
SCP-2747 (SCP) - vs - The Smile
Boundless Beings
Lucifer Morningstar - vs - Metanormalcy (SCP)
NotchMarkus PerssonMC
Azathoth (Cthulhu Mythos) - vs - Vanellope (WIR)
The Presence - vs - SCP-3812 (SCP)
Lara Croft (TR13) - vs - Featherine Augustus Aurora (Umineko Verse)
Team Melkor (True Form) (J.R.RTN) - vs - SCP-096 (Extended Canon) (SCP)
God (Dark Tower) - vs - Princess Azula (Avatar)
God (Dark Tower) - vs - Velma (Scooby-Doo)
Azula (Comet) (Avatar) - vs - The One-Above-All & SCP-3812 (SCP)
Sun Wukong (Smite) - vs - Team The One-Above-All
Anu (TES) - vs - Stiles Stilinski (nogitsune possessed) (Teen Wolf)
The One Below All - vs - Team Dracula
Eru Ilúvatar (J.R.RTN) - vs - Team Sonic The Hedgehog (Sonic)
Eru Ilúvatar (J.R.RTN) - vs - Blackheart (Ghost Rider)
Michael Demiurgos - vs - Scarlet Demon (SCP)
Eru Ilúvatar (J.R.RTN) & Yog-Sothoth (Cthulhu Mythos) - vs - Team Master Chief (Halo)
Empty Hand (Earth-7) - vs - Azula (Comet) (Avatar)
Eru Ilúvatar (J.R.RTN) - vs - Azula (Comet) (Avatar)
Dracula (Castlevania) - vs - Eru Ilúvatar (J.R.RTN) & Melkor (True Form) (J.R.RTN)
Lucifer Morningstar - vs - Eru Ilúvatar (J.R.RTN)
Eru Ilúvatar (J.R.RTN) - vs - Undoubtedly First (Cryptozoi)
Nyx (House Of Ideas) & Vision (House Of Ideas) - vs - The Brothers Death (SCP)
Thanos (Infinity Gauntlet) (MCU) - vs - Team Master Chief (Halo)
Alien X (Ben 10) - vs - Arceus (True Form) (Pokemon)
Emperor Of Mankind (In the Warp) (Warhammer 40K) - vs - SCP-3812 (SCP)
Lucifer Morningstar - vs - Team Franklin Clinton
Lucifer Morningstar - vs - Team Franklin Clinton
MThe Hybrid Mage
Eru Ilúvatar (J.R.RTN) - vs - Nova Laos (The Hybrid Mage)
The Celestial ChildThe Hybrid Mage
Image 79130