

Hercules Panhellenios

universe Prime Marvel Universe

Hercules's powers and abilities

Vast Superhuman Strength

Hercules' principal power is his vast physical strength and is physically the strongest of all existing Olympians. As the Olympian God of Strength, Hercules is capable of lifting far in excess of 100 tons. Hercules' great strength also extends to his powerful leg muscles, allowing him to jump great distances and heights; while the exact limit is unknown, he is capable of leaping a height of at least 100 feet. He has been observed lifting and hurling a giant Sequoia tree, carrying a starship across his back and shoulders, and lifting and tossing Godzilla, dragging the island of Manhattan, knocking out a Titan, he even was capable of holding and supporting the heavens themselves. His strength is at least that of his rivals such as Thor, that of the Hulk, and the Sentry.

Superhuman Speed

Hercules' superhumanly strong legs allow him to run and move at speeds greater than the finest human athlete.

Superhuman Stamina

Hercules' highly advanced musculature produces almost no fatigue toxins, granting him almost limitless physical stamina in all activities; his stamina is described by Iron Man as "virtually inexhaustible" and "practically limitless."

Superhuman Durability

Hercules is highly resistant to physical injury. He is capable of withstanding high caliber bullets, falls from great heights, powerful energy blasts, and extreme temperatures and pressures without sustaining injury. He is also capable of surviving, unprotected, in the vacuum of space for a brief period of time. His resistance to injury surpasses that of any other Olympian god with the possible exceptions of Pluto and Zeus.


Regenerative Healing Factor

Despite his great resilience, it is possible to injure Hercules. However, like all members of his race, he is capable of recovering from injuries with superhuman speed and efficiency. However, he is unable to regenerate missing limbs or organs and would require magical assistance to do so. Hercules is also immune to all known Earthly diseases and infections. He is highly resistant to most drugs and toxins but can be affected if exposed to great quantities.

Suspended Aging

Like all members of his race, Hercules is immune to the effects of aging and has not aged since reaching adulthood. Despite being thousands of years old, Hercules possesses the appearance and vitality of a man in his physical prime.


Master Combatant

Hercules is an excellent hand to hand combatant particularly skilled in Greek wrestling, Greek boxing, and even invented the art of pankration which is the combination of both.

Master Archer

Hercules is a master archer. However, since the suicide of his wife Deianeira in connection with Hercules' arrows having been tainted by the blood of The Hydra, he does not often use his bow anymore.

Expert Marksman

Hercules is able to throw javelins and throwing discs with great aim and overall accuracy.

Weapons Proficiency

Hercules is also experienced with all forms of weaponry used in ancient Greece.


He can speak Greek and English.

Professional Womanizer

Hercules is well known for his womanizing skills that are so efficient that they are considered legendary. In fact, even some men have fallen victim to his charms.



Intelligence130 IQ

Super Powers

Accelerated DevelopmentAccelerated HealingAcrobaticsAgilityAttack ReflectionBerserk ModeBloodlustBullet TimeCold ResistanceCorruption ResistanceDamage BoostDanger SenseDexterityDivinityDurabilityEmotional Power UpEnduranceEnergy ResistanceEnhanced ConditionExtrasensory PerceptionFire ResistanceGodly PhysiologyHeat ResistanceHellfire ResistanceImmortalityIndomitable WillInstinctive ReactionIntelligenceInvulnerabilityJumpLongevityMarksmanshipMaster Martial ArtistMaster TacticianMind Control ResistancePressure PointsRadiation ImmunityReflexesSelf-SustenanceShockwaves GenerationSpace SurvivabilityStaminaSuper SpeedSuper StrengthSupernatural ConditionSwordsmanshipToxin and Disease ResistanceWeapon-based PowersWeapons MasterWillpower InducementAcid ResistantsAdaptationAnti-GravityCausality ResistanceCosmic AwarenessDimensional AwarenessDivine PowersDurability NegationElectricity ResistanceEnhanced HearingEnhanced MemoryEnhanced SightEnhanced SmellEnhanced ThieveryEnhanced TouchExistence Erasure ResistanceHeat GenerationHope InducementIllusion ResistanceInformation AnalysisLeadershipMagic ResistanceNon-Physical InteractionOmnilingualismPain SuppressionPossession ResistanceRage PowerReactive Power LevelRegenerationSeismic PowerSocial InfluencingSoul ResistanceSpatial AwarenessSpatial CommunicationStatistics AmplificationStealthSurface ScalingTelepathy ResistanceVibration ManipulationWind ControlElectrokinesisHoly ResistanceInvisibilityMadness ManipulationPetrificationPower AugmentationPower BestowalPreparationProjectionReality Warping ResistanceShapeshiftingSpatial ManipulationTime Manipulation ResistanceTransmutation ImmunityUnderwater breathing