

JT James

Marvel Cinematic Universe

Hellfire's powers and abilities

Explosion Touch

Hellfire can cause items he touches to heat up to the point of explosion. Objects ignited with his power glow brightly for a few seconds before the entire object detonates intensely. The size of the blast created appears to be correlated to the size of the exploding objects; larger objects like coolers and lamps produced a large, violent explosion while smaller objects like pool balls and shot glasses detonated in a small burst. Once he began to fully control his power, he chose a simple industrial chain as a weapon, as it was able to withstand his power without exploding and instead transmitted his power to other objects.


Explosives Mastery

As a former demolitions expert and mercenary, Hellfire has extensive experience with the usage of explosives. He knows how to safely install land mines, which he laid throughout his front yard as a defense. Prior to Terrigenesis, he also had access to C-4, which he used to booby-trap and ultimately destroy his home under Hive's influence. His expertise in explosives proved vital after he became capable of causing any given object to explode, and he frequently uses his expertise to make the best use of his Inhuman powers. After Hive's death, his proven expertise allowed him to work at Primed and Ready Fireworks despite his fire-based powers.