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Anung Un Rama


Hellboy's weapons

1941 US Army-Issue M1911A1 .45 Caliber Pistol

A pistol given to Hellboy by the ghost of Harry Middleton. It has short recoil and can hit intangible enemies with its custom bullets.

The Good Samaritan

The Good Samaritan was given to Hellboy by his friend, the Torch of Liberty. The gun was made in Massachusetts. It's made up of different metals like silver, metal from old horseshoes, cannonballs, and melted metals from sacred amulets. Upon melting the sacred amulets, incantations were said. Even the handle of the gun was made from a portion of the True Cross. Hellboy called the gun The Good Samaritan because he would put monsters out of their misery. The Good Samaritan is like a miniature hand cannon. It weighs 6lbs which could also be used as a hammer. It is a .20 mm mega-pistol that can blow huge holes in buildings. The gun can hold up to four bullets making it the ultimate weapon. Upon impact, a glass chamber within the bullet casing launches numerous things. These things can include holy water, white oak or anything else that's needed to be used to defeat the monster at hand. On the side of the gun, Hellboy embedded a B.R.P.D symbol and after Professor Broom had given Hellboy the double-faced medallion, Hellboy split the medallion in half and placed a face of it on both sides of the gun handle.


    The first round for it, it is tipped with explosive shells and contains magical white oak, holy water, garlic, and silver shavings. It can injure many foes that Anung faces in his life.

    Tracker Rounds

    Hellboy made the rounds out of phosphorescence green liquid that will drip from the wound it makes on the opponent on a target, making it easy for it to be followed in a low situation.

Big Baby

An over-sized six-round gun that shoots small rockets that can cause small-sized explosions. Because of how big it is, Anung sometimes carries it with both hands. Though in the movie, it fires 2 small rockets at the same time. The rounds of it are small rockets with the word 'Suck On It'.

Vulcan 50

A very powerful grenade strong enough to blow the top off a mountain.

The Right Hand of Doom

Another weapon is The Right Hand of Doom (his large rock-like arm). The hand is virtually indestructible and as such Hellboy often uses it as a method for defense as well as offense. It is said to be the key to Armageddon. The hand has shown mystical capabilities such as being able to hurt the hero Ghost. The full extent of its powers is yet to be seen, but it is implied that it holds tremendous power. The hand is not without its disadvantages however as Hellboy can't use the Good Samaritan in his right hand. He's also forced to be left-handed as his hand can be too clumsy to do certain tasks.

Hellboy's equipment

Utility Belt

In addition to his natural gifts, Hellboy carries a utility belt with a variety of many items, charms, and knick-knacks such as holy relics, horseshoes, and herbs which Hellboy often uses as tools to resurrect the dead, protect him or his friends from evil entities, heal, etc. A commonly shown item among these various possessions is a Catholic Rosary with a golden cross that is attached to a chain that hangs from his belt. This cross is a symbol of his Catholic faith and upbringing. Furthermore, Hellboy has a variety of grenades and other demolition tools that often come in handy when fighting supernatural beasts. He also typically carries a sidearm of some sort which was originally a gun given to him by the Torch of Liberty, a World War II-era superhero who trained Hellboy in marksmanship. Unfortunately, this gun was lost in the ocean during "The Third Wish."

    Tracking Device

    In order to keep track of his whereabouts, Hellboy�??s belt has a tracking device that is constantly linked to B.P.R.D. headquarters.

Agrippa's Charm

An enchanted necklace used for fighting demonic animals off easily. It can also be used to deal more damage or take less damage.


A small plant that drives away ectoplasm when lit on fire.

Iron Horseshoe

A horseshoe made to burn or weed out fairies weak to iron.

Mohlomi's Bell

A bell that supposedly protects Hellboy from evil and can revive him if he dies.

Vasilisa's Comb

A comb that causes several plants, enough to create an entire forest, to burst from underneath and ensnare the enemy when dropped on the ground.

Vasilisa's Handkerchief

A handkerchief that turns into a massive flood, capable of moving several boulders, when dropped on the ground.


Hellboy is almost always seen wearing a large and heavy jacket that reaches well below his knees. The pockets of this jacket are typically filled with many of the charms and totems mentioned above, granting him even greater paranormal protection. His original jacket bore the B.P.R.D. logo on its sleeve, but after he quit the Bureau this logo vanished, indicating that he either removed it or the jacket he is currently wearing is a new one altogether. His jacket has been heavily damaged many times, yet it always shows up repaired with each new story, indicating that Hellboy might have some skill in weaving.
No equipment or weapons connected to Hellboy