


Hellbender's powers and abilities

Hellbender exhibits superhuman regeneration; the nature of his regeneration stems from the entry of nanomachinery into his bloodstream and thus his system, which facilitates the healing by repairing and restoring damaged tissues and cells, while regulating inflammatory responses. This includes limb regrowth, similar to that of a salamander. This ability relies on the relative energy left in his body. If his body is left in an utterly exhausted state, the rate of regeneration will decline drastically.

Alongside being unhindered by external damage, the regeneration applies to internal systems as well. Because of this, it’s extremely easy for Hellbender's strengthened immune system to fend off infections, thus rendering him nearly unable to develop illnesses at all.

Hellbender possesses significant pain suppression. He only feels about half the pain of what an average person would feel. This allows his to get back up easily as he regenerates; there isn’t much pain to hinder his performance or mental state.

Common physical attributes, including speed, strength, durability, and stamina, are enhanced. He runs extremely fast compared to the average human, and is able to sustain for longer durations with ease. That’s what he's built for— running and hunting without need for much rest, similar to the hunting methods of hyenas in the wild. He is significantly more resilient to physical damage and is far less fragile than a non-altered human.

Hellbender's weaknesses

Despite Hellbender's reputation as "unkillable", he is vulnerable to certain scenarios, such as drowning, temperature-related fatalities (freezing*/burning), or anything that exhibits the complete simultaneous destruction of his body.

Hellbender's regeneration speed relies mostly on his body's energy levels; he will struggle to recuperate from his injuries if he has been long-deprived of sustenance.

*He won't "die", but is most likely to enter a comatose state until his body thaws.