
OC Heliodrax (The Eonic Chronicles)

universe Superhero Database Original Characters


1. **Name**: Heliodrax, the Celestial Conflagration 2. **Tier**: 2-A, Multiverse level+ 3. **Powers and Abilities**: - **Multiversal Solar Manipulation**: Wields control over the solar forces across multiple universes. - **Celestial Embodiment**: Personifies the essential qualities of the sun on a multiversal scale. - **Reality Warping**: Can alter the fabric of multiple universes with his will. - **Energy Projection**: Capable of projecting energy that can destroy and create worlds. 4. **Attack Potency**: Multiverse level+ (Can affect the multiverse, which contains an infinite number of universes, or a finite number of four-dimensional space-time continua). 5. **Speed**: Immeasurable (Can move and act across the multiverse instantaneously). 6. read more

  • Power Stats

Official Superhero Database stats. | Class: 109,656,324 Auto converted

Super Powers

Abstract ExistenceAccelerated HealingAge ManipulationAntimatter ManipulationAwakened PowerBlack Hole ManipulationCausality ResistanceChaos MagicClairvoyance ResistanceCold ResistanceConceptual ManipulationCorruption ResistanceDark MagicDivinityEnergy ArmorEnergy BeamsEnergy BlastsEnergy ConstructsEnergy ManipulationEnergy ResistanceExistence ErasureExistence Erasure ResistanceFire ResistanceFlightGodly PhysiologyHeat ResistanceHigher Dimensional ManipulationMagicNigh-OmniscienceOld PowerPower CosmicPower NullifierReality WarpingReality Warping ResistanceRune MagicSpace SurvivabilitySpaceflightSpatial ManipulationThe BlackThe ClearThe DividedThe GreenThe GreyThe MeltThe MetalThe RedThe WhiteTime TravelToxin and Disease ResistanceUnholy ManipulationUnholy ResistanceWing ManifestationBlood ManipulationBone ManipulationCausality ManipulationChain ManipulationChaos ManipulationChi ManipulationCloth ManipulationCurse ManipulationCurse ResistanceDark Matter ManipulationDivine PowersElectricity ResistanceFate ResistanceHellfire ManipulationHellfire ResistanceHoly ManipulationHoly ResistanceIllusion ResistanceMagic AbsorptionMagic ResistanceMetaphysics ManipulationMind Control ResistanceMolecular ManipulationMorality ManipulationPossession ResistancePower AbsorptionPower Absorption ImmunityPower AugmentationPower BestowalPower MimicryPower Mimicry ImmunityPower ModificationSpatial AwarenessSpatial CommunicationSubjective RealityTime ManipulationTime Manipulation ResistanceVoid ManipulationDeath ManipulationDream ManipulationLife ManipulationPower PrimordialPower SensePower SuitPsionic PowersQwardian Power RingReactive Power LevelSupreme Power


Creator yes
UniverseSHDB OC - Superhero Database Original Characters
Character Tier 6++ (Universal+)
Full name
Alter Egos No alter egos found.
Place of birth The Solar Crucible is the heart of creation where stars are born and the fabric of the multiverse is woven with the threads of light and heat. It is a nexus of unfathomable solar energy, a forge that predates the multiverse itself, where the purest essenc
First appearance
Alignment Good


Gender Male
Species // Type God / Eternal
Height -
Weight -
Eye color Gold
Hair color Gold
Skin color White


Played by
Occupation god of the sun/protector of the multiverse
Base The Luminous Spire is a towering citadel of light and energy that transcends physical space, located at the core of the multiverse. From this radiant nexus, Heliodrax watches over creation, his presence a beacon to all celestial bodies and a bulwark again
Relatives Aurorion, the Dawnbringer (Sibling), Lunarielle, the Silver Lumina (Sibling), Stellax, the Star Weaver (Sibling), Solaris, the Heartflame (Progenitor), Nebulon, the Mist of Creation (Offspring)
Teams No teams added.
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