Hatsumi Sen

Hatsumi Sen

Kengan Ashura

Hatsumi Sen's History

Eighteen years ago, in his early 20s, Hatsumi first met and soon started dating Soryuin Shion for the first time.[ During that time, he took Shion to Tochigi Destiny Land, but they had a fight and broke up afterwards because she caught him cheating. Two years after they first started dating, Hatsumi left again, telling Shion he was going on a journey to fight powerful fighters, but Shion realised the truth when she picked up an adult tour programme that he had dropped. He then left Japan to travel the world and fight in several underground matches to train himself (and enjoy the company of women).

At the age of 28, he was scouted by Katahara Metsudo to be the fifth Fang of Metsudo. However, a week into his candidacy, he ducked out because he was bored, and Kanoh Agito was chosen in his place. He subsequently became the fighter for Nogi Hideki through certain unspecified connections. At his debut match, Hatsumi reencountered Shion where he explained to her that he had achieved his dream; he then began flirting with the Nogi Group's new secretary. While he was the most powerful fighter in Nogi's employ, his unreliability led Nogi to hire other fighters.