Harlan (The First Being) (God)

OC Harlan (The First Being) (God)


universe Superhero Database Original Characters

Harlan (The First Being) (God)'s History

He was the first being. The first one to see, smell, feel, exist. When he first appeared, he didn’t just appear in a dark void. He appeared in an endless realm of soft, rolling, sand dunes. He awoke laying on the sand. He then slowly sat up. At this time he had the ignorance of a child, and all he knew was his name, “Harlan”. When he sat up, he saw a large pillar of light at the center of the realm that casted a red glow over the sparkling sands. It was only less than a moment later when he gained Omnipotence. In that moment he knew everything, and was able to do anything. While looking around he saw another being just like him. His name was, “Abaddon”. Harlan and Abaddon both had infinite power and didn’t know what to do with it. After an incalculable amount of time passed they both came to the idea of creation. Out of this idea came a new realm. An eternal dark void where they could make anything. Harlan used his power to create a universe but it instantly exploded on itself. Harlan, releasing that he couldn’t control his power, created “the tools of creation”. Using the tool he created Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, and the first existence. Harlan made himself the ruler of Heaven, Abaddon the ruler of Hell and later Harlan created Death to rule over Purgatory. Billions of years passed and after a very intelligent and powerful AI killed off all life, the first existence became lifeless. Harlan, many years after the death of the first existence, destroyed it and created the second existence. This one met the same fate as the first in a great war. The third existence was made and for billions of years the universe was a peace. Then Abaddon betrayed Harlan and after a long hard fought battle, Abaddon was banished to a realm far out in the void. This battle destroyed the third existence and Harlan was left in the empty void, again. During the making of the fourth existence Harlan created an elder god named Cthulhu. He assigned him the role of protecting Earth from all threats to help prevent the cycle war that ended each existence. After another few billion years Cthulhu had done his job well but Harlan saw that, later down the line this existence would end up collapsing in on itself. So he set a plan to destroy this existence and start anew. Cthulhu, in finding out about this plan, made one of his own. Right as Harlan went to erase the fourth existence, Cthulhu committed a great sin. By creating an elder god, his own son. Harlan’s punishment for this offense was that Cthulhu were to be sealed away in the deepest hole in Hell, never to be heard of again. Harlan now stood alone, atop his seat high in heaven. After an incalculable amount of time, probably about trillions to quadrillions of years, he realized that he couldn’t manage the lives that filled the empty void. So he made two elder gods to help manage and form the new existence. After creating the Fifth existence Harlan took more of a backseat to god hood. He allowed the new elder gods to manage life while Harlan took to living down with the people. He looked upon the people with wonder. He watched them as the stars, the wind, light, and almost anything you could think of. With the new system that Harlan put in place, existence was left in peace for billions of years. This was also the first one to make it far past the threshold the others had set but, at around the Earth year of 2612. That would start to all change.