
OC Halfborn


universe Superhero Database Original Characters

Halfborn's powers and abilities

Hellfire: The most powerful type of blaze, hellfire. Capable of melting and burning trough the toughest and most heat-resistant objects

Matter change(Holy/Corrupted): Like God himself, a power that can change the matter structure of any substance and object to another, along by making it Holy or Corrupted

Matter change: Like Matter change(Holy/Corrupted), but without giving it the Holy/Corrupted status

Hellish blaze: Gives a item a "Hellish blaze" enchant. A enchant capable dealing extreme fire damage and capable of cutting through


Bless: Increases a object's value and efficiency and grants it the "Divine" classification

Weapon creation(Holy): Uses Divine energy to create any hand-held or thrown weapon. Deals extra damage to corrupted enemies

Weapon creation(Hellfire): Uses Hellfire to create any hand-held or thrown weapon. Deals extra fire damage(Hellfire type)