Green Lantern

Green Lantern

Hal Jordan

universe Injustice (2013-2017 Games and Comics)

Green Lantern's powers and abilities

Hal Jordan possesses a powerful force of will that allows him to wield the most powerful weapon in the universe: A green power ring, forged by the Guardians of the Universe and charged with the green light of the emotional spectrum, willpower. The ring can create any construct, and is only limited by Hal's imagination. The ring affords Hal with a protective barrier of light around his entire body, shielding him from bodily harm that would kill a normal person, such as a punch from Superman, and allows him to survive and speak in the vacuum of space, as well as affording him with the power of flight at the speed of light and high degrees of superhuman strength.

The ring's primary power of construct creation is manifested in Jordan's preferred use: As a trained test pilot for the Air Force, Hal primarily uses his ring to create constructs such as missiles, miniguns, and even fully functioning fighter crafts and engine turbines. Aside from these, Hal uses his ring to make simpler constructs like swords, baseball bats, a mace, and for defensive purposes, barriers of solid light and beams he can trap his foes in.

Hal's incredible willpower and ability to overcome fear allows him not only to be able to use a green power ring, but he can also use a yellow Qwardian ring, which affords him to exactly the same abilities of a green ring, with the added bonus of being able to channel and empower himself with the yellow light of fear.