Great Axioms

OC Great Axioms

universe Superhero Database Original Characters

Great Axioms's History

Little is known about the true nature and origin of the ''Great Axioms'' are mysterious high-dimensional and abstract beings believed to exist in a voiceless dimension located on the multiverse continuum/all existing Limits of existence inclusive. laws of physics. However, they made mysterious cosmic entities known as the Dwellers-Between jealous and fearful of the Axioms' reality warping powers. The Dwellers launched a surprise attack on the Axioms, wiping out their entire civilization across the with ruthless efficiency. Only three Great Axioms survived the onslaught - the trio now known simply as the Last Axioms. Traumatized by the genocide of their people, the Last Axioms went into hiding outside the boundaries of Multiverse They swore to never again interfere directly in lower dimensions, only observing and subtly shaping events from the shadows.