Golden Ultra Dragon

Golden Ultra Dragon


Golden Ultra Dragon's History

The Golden Ultra Dragon is an elemental combination dragon that is the manifestation of the Golden Weapons' and the four original ninja's powers.

Roots When Kai, Jay, Cole, and Zane unleashed the might of the elemental energy from the Weapons of Spinjitzu, while at the same time destroying them, this caused the Golden Ultra Dragon to take form and save Lloyd from falling off the Crystal Island. When the Overlord was about to destroy Harumi for her betrayal, he was interrupted by the four-headed dragon. Shocked by what he is seeing, the Overlord immediately engaged in an ultimate showdown with the Golden Ultra Dragon, in which the latter gained the upper-hand throughout. The dragon's four heads then unleashed a powerful beam of golden energy on the Overlord, immobilizing him in the process, and then used its tail to destroy his physical body.

After the Overlord's defeat, it proceeded to take Lloyd, Harumi, and Garmadon from the Crystal Island, as it was about to explode. When Wu saw the Golden Ultra Dragon he was shocked by what he saw and he, with Nya, Skylor, and Misako, proceeded to follow it. When the dragon landed on a rooftop where it drops Lloyd, Harumi, and Garmadon off, the rest of the ninja, who were already there, were too left in shock by the sight of the Golden Ultra Dragon, with Kai assuming that it is their elemental powers. Shortly after they petted it, the dragon dissipated and vanished before their eyes. Wu immediately knew that the elemental powers are returning to where they came from. When Kai asked if they'll ever return, the latter claimed that they will when the right time comes and wisely states that true power is never lost.