

Latest Comments

These are the 50 latest comments made by _God

45 months member
The Monad (SHDB OC) The Monad Blinks.
45 months member
The Monad (SHDB OC) @Erix01 @Dantrex_the_Wolf @Tigerking2020 @25braydens @ArshiaShahlaei @shaneherald @Rage444 @InSchool
45 months member
The Artist (The library of creation) (SHDB OC) The artist wins 10/10
he has infinite metaphysical abilities, like the art of omnipotent existence, to paint any omnipotent characters that transcend the concept of space-time dimensions or they would destroy all reality and Existence. as well as beings in a higher meta-imaginary plane, which is a direct manifestation of human consciousness-as such is absolute and infinite-infinite before all / all imaginary constructions, characters that are beyond their concept of all things that are not in condition of to defeat him truly. can directly replace all logics, hierarchies or macro-micro structures defined to create divisions between different phenomena. Its potential is unlimited, being unlimited by things like being or non-being, or by ideas and ideas. It can transcend all layered realities and the Domain of the Almighty.