Gobber The Belch

Gobber The Belch

How to Train Your Dragon


Gobber The Belch
39 months member
@Royce @Yes Gobber once called out for help and Thor saved him right has he said it would that count as summoning or?
Last edited: 8 mo 4 d ago.
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Royce 8 mo 4 d
Gobber The Belch
14 months member
Probably not. But read the bio on this and if it fits then you can put it in under grey but I don't think he summoned him more as Thor helped because idk about httyd but gods can hear people who ask for help or pray.Summoning
Gobber The Belch
39 months member
@Royce is there any other ability that matches? because the only time that happened was when Gobber said help Thor never showed up for anyone else only for Gobber

example in httyd 1 Stoick said Odin help us at the end of the movie but it did nothing
Last edited: 8 mo 4 d ago.