

universe Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Gnarl's History

In 2002, Gnarl hid in one of the caves in Wilken's Grove, making his first victim a boy in the construction pit for the Sunnydale High School gym, where Gnarl left his skinless corpse. Willow located the Gnarl's hiding place by performing a demon locator spell with Anya; meanwhile, Spike guided Buffy, Xander, and Dawn to the cave by following the scent of blood the demon consumed.

Willow arrived at Gnarl's hideout at the same time as Buffy, Xander, and Dawn entered it; however, due to a spell that made Willow undetectable to them and vice-versa, the group left and blocked the cave's entrance, unintentionally trapping Willow with Gnarl. The demon taunted the witch from the shadows and attacked her, cutting her abdomen with his fingernail. With Willow paralyzed by his venom, Gnarl began to slice away slivers of her skin to eat.

Warned by Anya, Buffy and Xander returned to the cave, where the Slayer fought Gnarl. She killed him by gouging his eyes with her thumbs. His death released both Willow and Dawn from their paralysis.