
OC Gladium

Anthony Alexson

universe Superhero Database Original Characters

Gladium's powers and abilities

Section 1 Forms OC High


Knight of Austria

Fire Lizard

Section 2 Power Level OC High - Small Building

Base - Continent

Knight of Austria - Planet

Fire Lizard - Multi-Planet

Section 3 Speed OC High - Average Human (19 MPH)

Base - 120 MPH

KOA - 245 MPH

Fire Lizard - Mach 2

Section 4 Lifting Power OC High - Large Truck

Base - Large Meteorite

KOA - Small Moutain

Fire Lizard - Continent

Section 5 Smarts

OC High - Below Average - IQ 58

Base - Average IQ 97

KOA - Average IQ 103

Fire Lizard - Low IQ 29

Section 6 Powers Oc High - Same as base but decreased by 200%

Base - Look at powers

KOA - Powers increase by 30%

Fire Lizard - Powers increase 400% he gains Pyro kimesis as well