Gigan Rex

Gigan Rex


universe Toho Expanded Universe

Gigan Rex's powers and abilities

Rex Blades - Gigan Rex has a pair of chainsaws on his arms in place of hands. He can extend them into incredibly long whip blades that can cut through steel structures like butter. He can also use them as a channeling point for the energy cores from fallen Gigan Miles to empower his chest laser.

Chest Laser - Instead of the standard chainsaw in their chests, Gigan Rex instead sports a crystal that can be used fire incredibly powerful energy beams, one of which was capable of blasting Godzilla off his feet. When fully charged, this beam came close to overwhelming and killing the King of the Monsters in a beam struggle.

Telepathy - Gigan Rex can telepathically control and command groups of Gigan Miles. He also seemingly has telekinesis, as he was able to remove the power cores from downed Gigan Miles units without touching them.

Flight - Gigan Rex can fly at speeds well in excess of the sound barrier. He can also levitate.