Giant Turtle

Giant Turtle

universe Godzilla: The Series

Giant Turtle's powers and abilities

Hard Shell - The Giant Turtle's shell is virtually impregnable, shrugging off hits from everything thrown at it from missiles to the fire breaths of both Komodithrax and Godzilla. This shell is also spiked to add another layer of defense to the creature's repertoire.

Tail Club - The Giant Turtle's tail is tipped with a thick club that it uses to pummel its opponents.

Locomotion - The Giant Turtle is both an excellent swimmer and proficient burrower, leveraging its terrain to gain an advantage.

Giant Turtle's weaknesses

Flipped - The Giant Turtle is virtually helpless should it be flipped onto its back, although it can eventually right itself.

Greed - The Giant Turtle will abandon a fight it has the upper hand in it it thinks it can get food or other desirable items right in that moment.