Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider

Robbie Reyes

Marvel Cinematic Universe

Ghost Rider's History

Roberto "Robbie" Reyes is a young car mechanic from Los Angeles who, having been murdered by the Fifth Street Locos, was resurrected by Johnny Blaze and gained the power to transform into a demonic being known as the Ghost Rider. Seeking revenge for his brother's disability, Reyes used the Ghost Rider to hunt down and kill various criminals until he was tracked down by Quake, who sought to end Reyes' massacres. Eventually Quake led Reyes to S.H.I.E.L.D. and he assisted them in battling against Lucy Bauer and her search for the Darkhold which contained an ancient power. Learning that his uncle Eli Morrow had planned and succeeded in getting terrible powers, he helped S.H.I.E.L.D. to kill him, but in the process Reyes let himself to be teleported to another dimension, until Reyes managed to escape and return to Earth, just in time to help S.H.I.E.L.D. take down the crazed Aida, and rid the world of the Darkhold for good.