Gamera (Showa)

Gamera (Showa)


universe Gamera Universe

Gamera's powers and abilities

Hard Shell - Gamera's body is encased in a hard shell that protects him from most damage, although it has been pierced in the past.

Flight - Gamera can tuck his legs into his shell and fire off jets from the leg holes to achieve flight by either spinning or by using his forelimbs as ailerons.

Regeneration - Gamera can heal himself by absorbing large quantities of mana or by resting for an elongated period of time.

Firepower - Gamera is intrinsically linked to heat and uses it for attacks as well as a way to power himself up. He can normally launch fire balls from his mouth and incase his fist in flames to increase his striking power. Gamera can also absorb large amounts of flame or mana to charge an organic cannon in his chest, which when fired is on par with a nuclear warhead.

Adaptive Evolution - Gamera adapts over time to make himself a more effective fighting machine, such as developing flight fins or spikes on his elbows..

Intelligence - Gamera is a highly perceptive creature, understanding human speech and adjusting his combat techniques to deal with his opponents and exploit their weaknesses.

Gamera's weaknesses

Fleshy Bits - Gamera's skin is not particularly resilient by kaiju standards and can be harmed by conventional weapons.

Cold - Gamera becomes sluggish when exposed to extreme cold temperatures.