Galford (Samurai Shodown 2)

Galford (Samurai Shodown 2)

Galford D. Weller

Samurai Shodown

Galford's powers and abilities

Galford is an extremely speedily and agile humanoid ninja that has enough superstrength to lift his foe far into air*(goes offscreen), has a slam that culminates into a potent electrical shock smash, has an electrical firing attack similar to those in other fighting games, has low level illusion capability, has low level teleporting ability, and has a "husky"esque, dog assistant named Poppy. This dog even appears to be a much stronger than a dog should be--as it has a move similar to Galford's air slam. Galford's fighting style is mostly ninja with a sword and part wrestler. He and Hanzo are nigh exact: the only fighting differences are 1. Hanzo uses a fire attack that works in the similar way that Galford's electrical firing attack does, 2. Hanzo has no dog assistant, 3. Hanzo is even better in performing his illusions than Galford(though both are very good as far as swordmen are concerned), and 4. Hanzo also has a tossing star attack.

Strengths: In addition to what's already stated, both Galford and Hanzo are excellent and rangy kickers. Street Fighter 2 level kicker as it relates to SF2's basic kicks.

Weaknesses: Both Galford and Hanzo have an issue where they have a machete length sword. Though this is a visual weakness, they do have ways around it. Still, unlike Jubei(especially), it's harder for them to get EASY sword attacks in.

*Considering how speedily, easily, and high he jumps with his opponents, possibly class 5--if not more.