Future Trunks

Future Trunks


Dragon Ball Future Timeline

Future Trunks's History


Trunks was born in Age 766 and is from an alternate timeline, one in which the Earth had been continuously terrorized by the evil Android 17 and Android 18. By the time we are introduced to the pair of Androids, over three fourths of the world's population has been eliminated due to their spree of destruction. In this future, Gohan and Trunks are weaker versions of themselves without the training of the experienced Dragon Team later on.

In this timeline, Goku dies of a heart virus six months before the Androids arrive, leaving the Z Fighters without one of their greatest heroes. His father Vegeta and all of the other Z Fighters (except Future Gohan) are killed, with the Androids easily outclassing them in power since they were both built to be more powerful than Goku. The Z Fighters are unable to be wished back to life as the Dragon Balls are permanently useless, due to Piccolo's death, which also kills Kami. Over the course of the next thirteen years, Gohan becomes Future Trunks' mentor and trains him in everything he knows, also teaching him swordsmanship. Gohan tries his best to teach Trunks how to become a Super Saiyan as well, necessary for him to compete against the Androids' might. However, with everyone already dead and having not yet felt a certain level of sadness and sorrow, Trunks simply cannot find the motivation to transform.

Trunks is at age 14 at the time. In an amusement park named Super World, Gohan and Trunks face the Androids in battle where Trunks, in his inexperience, is cornered by Android 18. Gohan is forced to sacrifice himself to save Future Trunks, losing his arm in the process which only further demoralizes Trunks and causes his confidence to fall. Trunks tries repeatedly to attain Super Saiyan during training but still struggles with it, unlike his alternate-timeline self who attains it at a much younger age and with relative ease.

Later in Age 780, the pair are drawn into battle against the Androids again, so Gohan knocks Trunks unconscious knowing that if he faces them again he will be killed. Gohan holds his own against the Androids at Pepper Town, being stronger than each individually but unable to compete with both of them and their infinite energy reserves. Gohan is defeated and killed, leaving Trunks to find his body lying in the rain. Overcome with anger and grief, Trunks finally transforms into a Super Saiyan and spends the next few years training to avenge his fallen allies, though he still struggles to defeat the android duo.

After another close escape at Bridgetown in Age 783, Future Bulma reveals her Time Machine to her son, which she hopes he will use to return to the past and save Goku, hopefully altering the future. In this future, Trunks did not know his father Vegeta at all, as he was only an infant at the time he was murdered by the Androids.

Frieza-Androids Interlude

In Age 784, Trunks travels back in time 20 years, in order to warn Goku about the android threat in the near future, as well as to deliver medication that will cure Goku of the heart virus that he is supposed to die from. However, upon arrival he is greeted by Frieza with his father King Cold, and he kills all the soldiers Frieza and his father had brought to Earth. They had come to Earth in order to seek revenge upon Goku's loved ones, and to kill Goku himself. Trunks, then seventeen years old, did not look like much of a threat to Frieza, and he freely told him so. Trunks implies his ability to transform into a Super Saiyan, but Frieza, albeit initially shocked, laughs it off along with his father. Trunks, anticipating that Frieza does not believe him, proves it by transforming, to Frieza's horror. Frieza was then given three opportunities to kill Future Trunks, but the young Super Saiyan is able to block and dodge the attacks with ease.

Frustrated, Frieza fires a Supernova at Trunks. Trunks just catches the attack and tells Frieza that he must have "dropped it," after which Frieza detonates the blast with an Energy Wave. Future Trunks then easily remains unscathed and performs what he calls the Burning Attack to have Frieza dodge the blast, which is followed up by his Shining Sword Attack.

Frieza, cut in half, was defeated by having his body hacked to pieces and Future Trunks then followed up by destroying the remains with an energy blast. King Cold was later killed by a God Breaker. Trunks then guides the Dragon Team congregated nearby to the place where Goku is going to land, and they all for Goku to arrive. He offers the Z Fighters a drink from his capsule cooler. During their wait, Trunks keeps staring at Vegeta (due to it being the first time he actually met his father since he died during the Android attack in his timeline while he was still a baby), causing the latter to demand to know why he is staring at him. In addition, Bulma notes Trunks' resemblance to Vegeta in facial features and Tien speculates that he must have met Goku during the latter's trip in outer space, although the theory is shot down when Chiaotzu reminds them that Trunks said he never actually met Goku before. After two hours, upon looking at his watch, Trunks informs the Z Fighters that Goku's ship is about to land.

When Goku arrives, Trunks finds out to his chagrin that he interfered with the timeline unnecessarily; although he was several hours away by space pod, Goku was prepared to step in using his Instant Transmission technique (just as he did in Trunks' original timeline) when Trunks showed up and killed Frieza. Trunks then informs Goku of the future where the Androids arrive and kill all of the Z Fighters in a large battle, also telling Goku not to inform anyone about his parents. However, Piccolo's sensitive Namekian ears pick up the conversation, and while he doesn't reveal any information about Trunks, Piccolo tells the Z Fighters of the future, inspiring the heroes to train their hardest for the next three years. However inadvertently, Trunks' revelation of the future alters it slightly.

Androids Saga

When the androids eventually appear and they face the Z Fighters, Goku had not contracted the heart disease six months prior like he was supposed to; instead he contracted it during the battle against Android 19. Before Goku could be killed, Vegeta saves him, telling Yamcha to take him home and cure him with his medication as he reveals his new Super Saiyan form, killing Android 19 with great ease when he uses a Big Bang Attack to reduce him to a smoldering head. Around 18 months later in his timeline, the now 19 year old Trunks returns to the past to find Android 19's detached head on the Southern Continent and Android 20, two androids he never saw in his timeline and realizes that this timeline is now branching off considerably from his own. When Android 20 (who is, Dr. Gero in reality) releases the real androids of his future, Android 17 and Android 18, they rebel and kill their creator before releasing the previously unknown Android 16.

The androids of this timeline prove to be considerably stronger than the ones Trunks had fought, to the point where Android 18 is able to even easily take down Super Saiyan Vegeta and Super Saiyan Trunks together. Vegeta fights Android 18 and eventually loses. Trunks rushes to his father's aid, in an attempt to slash her with his sword; however, she blocks the attack (causing the sword to crack, much to his astonishment), and he was struck down by Android 17 seconds later. Moments later, he had recovered and attempts another attack; however, Android 18 caught on to this and throws Vegeta at him. Trunks was then defeated, while returning to his base form. Afterwards, he and Krillin went to Goku's house to evacuate him from the premises, and boards Yamcha's airship.

As they make their way to Kame House, Trunks suggests that he go even farther back in time using his Time Machine and destroy the androids before they are activated, since they now know where Dr. Gero's Lab was. Yamcha thinks this is a good plan, but Krillin asks if he can get back to the future after going further into the past, as the Time Machine takes a long time to charge up. Gohan asks if the current androids would simply disappear, and Trunks realizes that only the timeline he would travel to would be affected. Krillin is confused, and Trunks explains that each trip to the past creates new futures, using their situation as an example. Yamcha and Krillin then ask what the point of his trip to their timeline was, and Trunks says that he was hoping to find the androids' weakness or bring Goku to his timeline. He notes that this timeline is different, and Gohan asks why. Trunks says he does not know, but Chi-Chi says not to worry, as his trip has saved Goku's life. The others agree that things will turn out for the best.

Cell Saga

As they fly, Krillin calls Bulma who then relates to Trunks how a farmer found a strange Capsule Corporation vehicle out in the wilderness, and asked for the company's help to operate it. Bulma says that they did not recognize the man's description, so they asked for a photo, and that the vehicle is in fact Future Trunks' Time Machine, only wrecked. Trunks is stunned, saying that he has his Time Machine with him in capsule form. Bulma tells Trunks that the Time Machine in the photo is covered with moss and looks old, and asks how many she made in the future. Trunks says that she was barely able to make one, and Bulma decides to fax Trunks the picture. She does so, the picture shows Trunks' Time Machine damaged and covered in moss, which stuns Trunks. Krillin asks Bulma for the machine's exact location, and Bulma tells him the coordinates. Trunks says that he is going, as he must see the machine with his own eyes. Bulma agrees to meet him there, as it is close to Capsule Corporation. Yamcha asks Trunks if he is sure that there is only one Time Machine, and Trunks replies that he is. Gohan offers to accompany Trunks, who gladly says that he can.

As they fly to meet Bulma, Gohan asks Trunks how badly his world has been devastated. Trunks tells him that the population is in the tens of thousands and that they are forced live in underground shelters. Gohan says that he hopes Trunks can find the Androids weakness, and Trunks begins to think out loud about what it might be. He concludes that Dr. Gero must have had some sort of emergency off switch to control the androids due to their power, or else he would not have activated them again. Gohan says that this must be the case, and Trunks says the he hopes so. They then arrive at the specified location, and quickly find the Time Machine. Bulma then arrives, and Trunks brings out his Time Machine to show her. Trunks tells her that she only made one Time Machine in the future, yet the damaged one is also his. He then uncovers a message saying 'HOPE!' on the second Time Machine, which he says Future Bulma wrote on the day he left. Trunks and Gohan fly up to the top of the machine, and Gohan notices that the cockpit window has been melted through from the inside. Seeing this, Trunks decides to open the window, and does so. He notices two halves of something inside, which Bulma says look like an egg. Gohan wonders if what was in the egg made the hole in the window. Noticing that the Time Machine still has a bit of power, Trunks turns it on and discovers that it came from the year Age 788, three years after his first trip. He also finds out that the machine has been there for four years, (a full year before he defeated Frieza and King Cold), and wonders if this is why history has changed so much.

Trunks says that they cannot leave the second Time Machine where it is, so he puts it into capsule form, then does the same with his. Bulma takes the two eggshells that they found in the Time Machine, and Gohan informs her that they are heading to Kame House. Gohan then notices something, and goes over to look at it, quickly calling Bulma and Trunks to come as well. When they arrive, they see what appears to be a giant husk left behind by a molting insect. Trunks suggests that the insect is what came out of the egg in the Time Machine, and notices that the husk is still gooey, meaning that the insect molted recently. As he and Gohan fly to Kame House, Trunks thinks to himself that none of this makes sense.

As soon as the pair arrive at Kame House, they watch the news broadcast at the behest of Krillin. The reporter says that the population of Gingertown mysteriously vanished and all that remains are the residents abandoned clothes. The reporter goes on to say that the residents seemed to have been fighting something off. Trunks believes that whatever hatched from the egg they found is causing the problems in Gingertown. Although Yamcha and Krillin urge him not to, he decides to go investigate.

When Cell powers up during his confrontation with Piccolo, all of the Z Fighters feel his power and identify it as the energy of Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Frieza, and King Cold radiating from a single point. As he flies towards Gingertown, Trunks sees Krillin flying after him. Krillin tells Trunks that even though he has Saiyan blood, they don't know anything about the Gingertown monster and couldn't let him face it by himself. Trunks says that he senses another powerful ki, but does not know whose it is. Krillin quickly recognizes it as Piccolo's, and says that he must have merged. Trunks is surprised, and asks if Krillin means merging with Kami. Krillin says yes, and notes that Piccolo was already powerful beforehand. Trunks is surprised at the difference made by the fusion. Suddenly, Trunks and Krillin feel a massive shockwave. Trunks wonders what happened, and Krillin notes that an explosion is visible from where they are. Trunks concludes that Piccolo must have begun battling with the monster.

When Trunks and Krillin reach Gingertown, they find Piccolo engaged in combat with the creature. Trunks is left in complete awe and shock at the creature's appearance, as he remembers the egg he, his mother, Bulma, and Gohan had found earlier, which Cell must have developed and hatched from. Cell soon escapes using the Solar Flare technique, much to Piccolo's anger. When Vegeta and Tien arrive at the battlefield, Piccolo explains Cell's origins and plan to everyone. Trunks was shocked to learn of another android, who is a more dangerous threat. Krillin says that they will have to go find him, but Trunks wonders if they can, noting that Cell will most likely absorb innocent people and then run away with his ki suppressed. Undaunted, Vegeta declares that he will ascend beyond a Super Saiyan and defeat the androids himself before leaving. Krillin asks Trunks if he is correct in believing that traveling to the past and destroying the androids would change nothing in their timeline. Trunks confirms this, but says that they should destroy the Present Cell in this timeline to prevent another Cell from appearing. Piccolo instructs the pair to do that while he and Tien search for Cell.

Krillin and Trunks quickly reach the lab's location, and after some searching find a hole down to the lab's basement. They discover Dr. Gero's Supercomputer along with Present Cell in his larval form. Just as Krillin is about to destroy the basement, Trunks finds blueprints for Android 17. He decides to take them to his mother, who might figure out a weakness in the Androids design, and the pair destroy the rest of the laboratory. As they fly away, Future Trunks asks Krillin to take the blueprints to Bulma, saying that he is going to train with Vegeta. Krillin says that Vegeta will most likely refuse. Future Trunks says he does not want to train with a monster like Vegeta, but that he will realize that training together is more efficient than doing it by himself. Trunks and Krillin wish each other safe travels and part ways.

Three days later, a now healthy Goku and Gohan teleport to where Vegeta and Trunks are training. They see Trunks sitting by himself while Vegeta stands alone on a ledge. Trunks is happy Goku is back while Goku asks Trunks how has their training progressed, Trunks says that his father will not train with him, viewing him as a nuisance, and has simply stood on the ledge for the past three days. Goku approaches Vegeta and tells him about the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and how it could help them surpass Cell and the androids, piquing Vegeta's interest. Vegeta agrees to go in with Trunks as long as they can use it first, which Goku agrees with. On The Lookout, Vegeta and Trunks enter the chamber, and Trunks immediately notes that the room is hot, with thin air and high gravity. He is taken aback by the room's vast amount of sheer nothingness, and says that it would drive anyone insane. Vegeta says that the room is perfect, and Trunks wonders if he can stand a year alone with his father.

After Goku takes Piccolo and Tien to The Lookout, Vegeta and Trunks finally emerge from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Trunks apologizes for keeping everyone waiting. Goku remarks that he and Vegeta took a long time. Trunks states that Vegeta surpassed the Super Saiyan form within two months, but, unsatisfied with his power, he continued training. Vegeta cuts off Trunks and tells him not to say any more. Bulma arrives at The Lookout and after noticing that Trunks has suddenly grown taller and his hair has grown out, gives them all battle suits that she had made. Just before Vegeta and Trunks head off to face Cell, Goku gives him a few Senzu beans and tells Trunks to do his best.

Soon, Trunks arrives on the island where Vegeta confronts Cell. Cell notes the presence of Future Trunks, saying that the number of opponents does not matter, and that he can wait for more of Vegeta's allies to show up. Vegeta tells Cell that Trunks is nothing but a spectator, and that he alone should suffice to kill him. As Vegeta soundly trounces Cell with his newly acquired power, Cell yells in frustration, saying that if he could only achieve his Perfect Form, Vegeta would be no match for him. Intrigued, Vegeta tells Cell to go and obtain his Perfect Form but as Cell goes to leave, however, Trunks transforms into a Super Saiyan and cuts him off. Vegeta tells Trunks to stop interfering, but he refuses.

Cell yells at Vegeta to do something about Trunks, but then spots Android 18 and Android 16 and realizes his perfect form is now within his reach. Trunks looks over at what Cell is looking at, then he spots Android 18 as well, and Krillin is with them. He realizes they do not know Cell has noticed them, and screams out "Hey! Cell has found you!". Android 18, Android 16 and Krillin all panic, and Cell flies toward them. Trunks says he will not let him reach his perfect form, then transforms into the Super Saiyan Second Grade form like Vegeta and follows Cell. Vegeta thinks it is lucky the androids were here, and then tells Trunks he will not let him interfere. Trunks almost reaches Cell, but Vegeta kicks Trunks away into a nearby mountain. Trunks gets up from the rubble and tells his father that he is making a mistake and they can not let Cell reach his perfect form because he might surpass them. Vegeta asks Trunks if he wants to see how strong Cell will get, and he says not at all and he doesn't want another hellish future. Trunks says even if he has to defeat his father, he will stop Cell from reaching his perfect form. Vegeta doubts Trunks can bring himself to attack his own father and says that he is bluffing. However, Trunks proves him wrong when he fires a Super Buster Cannon at Vegeta, and goes after Cell. Cell then uses a Solar Flare, blinding Trunks, Krillin, Android 16, and Android 18. With everyone distracted, Cell opens his tail up and absorbs Android 18, finally transforming into his perfect form.

Vegeta watches Cell's transformation in anticipation, while the other three look on in fear and consternation. Trunks, angry at his father, decides to beat down Cell while he still has a chance and charges at Cell. However, Cell creates an Energy Field around himself, which prevents his transformation from being interrupted. Suddenly, Cell's barrier flashes blindingly bright and explodes. Smoke flies around the cringing fighters and Cell emerges from the dust in his new form. Krillin glares at Cell and calls him a monster for absorbing Android 18. In his rage, and ignoring Trunks' warning, Krillin attacks Cell, who isn't harmed in the slightest. Cell punches the air a few times to test his strength, and with a smile, he turns around effortlessly kicks Krillin in the face, sending him flying and nearly killing him. Trunks immediately rushes to save his comrade's life with a Senzu Bean.

After eating the Senzu Bean, Krillin warns Trunks that Vegeta stands no chance against Cell, and that he will easily be killed. Trunks questions how he knows this, and Krillin explains that while he may not be nearly as strong as a Saiyan, he can sense exactly how strong someone is, and states Cell's kick was nothing more than a light tap. Krillin also exclaims that Cell is hiding much of his power, and he will not need to use it all in his fight. As Trunks looks in concern, Krillin also states that he knows Trunks is hiding massive power himself, perhaps by breaking a barrier of Super Saiyan that Vegeta could not reach. Trunks explains that while both he and Vegeta surpassed the regular Super Saiyan form in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, he went a step further which Vegeta did not notice. Trunks also states he could never tell his father of this, as the information would shatter his pride, knowing he has been surpassed once again. Trunks then gets angry and knows Vegeta should have finished off Cell when he had the chance. After watching Cell effortlessly dominate Vegeta, Krillin tells Trunks to help his father with his latent power, otherwise he will be killed, but Trunks states Vegeta would rather be brutally broken and killed than be saved in battle. Reluctantly, Trunks decides to stay put until Cell knocks Vegeta unconscious.

Desperate to kill Cell, Vegeta resorts to using his Final Flash. While charging it, Vegeta challenges Cell to take the attack head-on, and Cell arrogantly accepts. Trunks immediately tries to convince his father otherwise, as the super-charged blast could destroy the Earth, but Vegeta still proceeds. Krillin, realizing the power of the blast, yells at Trunks to get back. As Vegeta fires the blast, Cell realizes at the last moment that it might be too powerful for even him to withstand before taking the full brunt of the attack. At the last second, Vegeta weakened his attack to avoid destroying the Earth, much to Krillin and Trunks' relief. Cell managed to survive the blast, however, it vaporized everything to the right side above his torso. Though Vegeta believes himself to be victorious, Cell proves otherwise; his cells from Frieza allow him to survive and function with virtually any wound and those of Piccolo allow him to regenerate from the damage instantly. After regrowing his arm, Cell prepares to end his battle with Vegeta.

In desperation, Vegeta fires a barrage of Ki Blasts, but Cell unflinchingly walks through them and sends Vegeta flying with a punch. Vegeta struggles to his feet, only for Cell to kick him into the air, then follow up with an elbow smash to his back, driving him into the ground and knocking him unconscious. As Cell prepares to kill Vegeta, Krillin yells at Trunks that now's the time to step in. Trunks begins powering up, transforming into his Super Saiyan Third Grade form, which distracts Cell's attention from finishing off Vegeta. Both Cell and Krillin are amazed at how powerful Trunks has become now. Trunks gives Krillin a Senzu Bean and tells him to get Vegeta to Kame House. Krillin asks Trunks why doesn't he keep the bean for himself and Trunks boldly states that he won't need them. Trunks then descends to face Cell, who's impressed by how much power he had buried in him.

Trunks is the second Saiyan to take on Perfect Cell with the intention of destroying him. At first, Cell has the advantage and sends Trunks flying. Suddenly, Trunks looks at Krillin and points towards Vegeta, revealing that he's stalling to lure Cell away from his father. Cell continues the attack on Trunks, but Krillin takes advantage of the opportunity to grab Vegeta and fly him to safety. With Vegeta out of harm's way, Cell asks Trunks if he can now fight freely. Trunks is surprised that Cell knew about his plan and just let Vegeta go. Cell states that he is now more interested in Trunks' power and desires a true challenge. Trunks powers up again, ready to fight seriously. Cell is certainly impressed by Trunks' magnificent power, even greater than his own, but assures him that he will not win the battle. Trunks calls Cell's statement a bluff and charges.

Although his power was enough to deal significant damage to Perfect Cell, Trunks simply kept increasing his power, unaware that his speed was greatly decreasing and his energy consumption greatly augmented to a point where sustaining the state would prove to be a problem. His body became too bulky and slow from the large quantity of muscle, and this gave Cell the upper hand, despite not even having powered up and slightly below Trunks in brute strength. Unaware of his form's weakness, Trunks is baffled, wondering why he can't hit Cell despite all his power. Cell taunts him for relying only on brute force, then transforms into a bulky Powerhouse form of his own (the result of Cell taking on the Super Saiyan Third Grade form as well) to mockingly demonstrate that anyone can take on such a form and explains that without speed, the transformation is useless. Trunks realizes Vegeta had obtained the Super Saiyan Third Grade form, though discovered its weakness and that Cell's right. Distraught Trunks reverts to his base form and tells Cell to kill him, since he has no chance now and has lost the will to fight.

However, Cell is impressed that Vegeta and Trunks had improved so significantly in a short amount of time, and asks how it was possible. Naturally, Trunks refuses to answer Cell's question to prevent him from discovering the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Realizing he won't answer that particular question, Cell instead asks Trunks that if he had more time, could he get even stronger. Trunks replies that he won't know until he tries. Cell then asks what Goku is doing, and Trunks answers that he's training to defeat him and by tomorrow, Goku will be the one to finally kill the Bio-Android. Cell is pleased by this answer, and proposes to hold a martial arts tournament in ten days. He challenges Trunks to gather his allies and get stronger so they can compete against him in one-on-one fights. Cell says that once he has decided the location for the tournament, he will broadcast it on television and turns to leave before mockingly telling Trunks to bring plenty of Senzu Beans. Trunks is confused, wondering what Cell's goal is now. Cell states that it was to kill Goku, but now he wants to test the limits of his perfect form and simply enjoy himself, mostly by causing utter terror for people of Earth. After Trunks expresses horror at this, Cell comments on that's the look he wants. He then flies away just as Krillin and Vegeta arrive.

Trunks tells Krillin and Vegeta about Cell's plan, which annoys Vegeta, thinking Cell is toying with them. Trunks says that after Goku and Gohan leave the Hyperbolic Time Chamber he will go back in and train. Stubborn and arrogant as ever, Vegeta says he won't need Trunks or Goku and after he goes back in the Time Chamber, he will defeat Perfect Cell on his own. At that moment, the damaged Android 16 arrives, wanting to compete in the tournament as well, but first asks to be taken to Capsule Corporation so he can get repaired. Trunks adamantly refuses to help or trust 16 because he is an android who wanted kill Goku and he doesn't want to endanger his mother's life, but Krillin agrees to take the android, knowing they'll need all the help they can get against Cell, and that these androids aren't as bad as the ones from Trunks' future.

The next day, Trunks and his family keep a close eye on the TV, looking out for Cell's announcement. Suddenly, Cell interrupts a live broadcast and proceeds to tell the world about the upcoming Cell Games tournament, and challenges all the greatest fighters in the world to compete against him in one-on-one fights. Vegeta announces that he's going to train in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber again and Trunks decides to go with him. However, Bulma wants to give Trunks a haircut first, so his long hair doesn't get in his eyes, much to Vegeta's irritation.

At the Lookout, Trunks, Vegeta, Tien Shinhan, and Piccolo wait for Goku and Gohan to exit the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Trunks asks Mr. Popo how much time they have left, who replies that only three hours remain. Vegeta, however, is anxious and ready to go back in the chamber, but Piccolo tells him that he should rest because its his turn next. Vegeta believes that only a Saiyan has any hope of killing Cell, buts relent and says that he will spend the remaining 8 days in the chamber. Piccolo and Mr. Popo warn him that a person can only use the chamber for two days (or two years) at a time; if anybody attempts to stay longer, they will not be able to exit, leaving them trapped in nothingness and not allowing anyone else to use the door. Vegeta is disappointed, but Trunks optimistically says that at least they will have plenty of time to train. Suddenly, everyone senses Goku and Gohan's energy, which means that they finished their training early. With their Battle Armor all tattered and damaged, Goku and Gohan emerge out as Super Saiyans, to everyone's surprise. Trunks tells them everything that happened while they were training, from Cell's completion to the announcement of the Cell Games.

Instead of being worried, Goku is excited that he can compete in another tournament and asks Mr. Popo to bring him his Turtle School uniform. Trunks offers to give Goku new armor, but he declines, stating that he wants to fights as an Earthling. Gohan asks Piccolo to give him clothes like the one he wears, so the Namekian uses his Magic Materialization to give the boy Demon Clothes. Vegeta asks Goku whether he can beat Cell or not, but Goku says that he won't know until he sees the Bio-Android's perfect form. Using Instant Transmission, Goku goes to the Cell Games Arena to measure Cell's power up close. When he returns, Trunks asks Goku if he can beat Cell. Goku admits that he wouldn't stand a chance. Piccolo implores him and Gohan to use the Hyperbolic Time Chamber again, but Goku says that he and Gohan will train in the outside world, to Piccolo's surprise. The two then depart the Lookout. Afterwards, Trunks is lectured on how Goku and Gohan mastered Super Saiyan to decrease strain of transforming, as Trunks is amazed that he didn't think to master it.

The next day, Vegeta anxiously and impatiently awaits for Piccolo to finish up his training inside of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. When he finally does, Trunks recognizes how significantly Piccolo's strength has increased, yet, Vegeta mocks the Namekian for even entering the chamber in the first place saying that he has stayed the same.

Later, Goku returns to The Lookout with a young Namekian named Dende, who is chosen to become Earth's new Guardian. While Dende talks to Gohan and Krillin, Trunks asks Goku that if he is so calm now, its because he has found Cell's weakness. However, Goku doesn't think Cell has a weakness, much to Trunks' confusion. Also, Goku tells Gohan to stay with Dende, and that he doesn't have to train anymore until the Cell Games. Gohan is surprised, but Goku reassures him before teleporting away. Trunks asks Gohan what Goku is planning, and why he's so confident knowing that Cell is stronger than him. Gohan doesn't know what's going on either. Krillin thinks Goku has a plan, but Piccolo suggests he's already accepted defeat.

After ten days, the day of the Cell Games finally arrived. All seven warriors arrive at the Cell Games arena, and are joined by the already present Vegeta and Android 16. Goku volunteers to go first, much to Trunks' confusion, but Krillin suggests they let the clueless, arrogant Mr. Satan go first, not caring if he gets killed and there's no point in explaining the superhuman abilities most Earthlings don't know about. Before he faces Cell, Mr. Satan does a stunt where he stacks fifteen roof tiles and chops through fourteen of them with his bare hand, which leaves Trunks and the others confused. When Mr. Satan finally attacks Cell, he is easily, and unsurprisingly, sent flying into a nearby mountain, but miraculously survives. With Mr. Satan having been quickly knocked out of the ring, Goku steps into the Cell Games Arena to face Cell, as the rest of the Dragon Team watch anxiously from the sidelines. Cell says that he had hoped to save the best for last, but there is nothing he can do. The two assume their fighting poses, and Trunks thinks that they will all finally see why Goku has been so calm in the days before the tournament.

Goku and Cell partake in an intense bout that leaves both combatants exhausted in the process. Cell tells Goku that his strength is decreasing, and says he can have a Senzu Bean if he wants, that way, they can continue their great fight. Trunks yells at Krillin to do like he says and give Goku a Senzu Bean, and if they all attack Cell together, then he will definitely win. Vegeta yells at Trunks to shut up, saying he has no Saiyan pride as Goku neither asked for help nor does he want it. Vegeta believes that Goku would rather die than win like that, and right now, he isn't even fighting for the Earth's sake. Trunks says that Goku won't last much longer and Vegeta agrees that he will probably be killed by Cell. Trunks asks what are they supposed to do, be quiet and watch. Vegeta says all they can do now is hope Goku has a secret plan, like Trunks suggested. However, Goku admits that Cell still has strength to spare and he cannot defeat him, so in a surprising turn of events, Goku says that he gives up, which leaves everyone shocked, including Cell and calls forth his son Gohan to take over.

In an attempt to bring out Gohan's true power, Trunks is forced to contend with Cell's offspring along with the other heroes, slowly and gradually losing the fight. Meanwhile, Android 16 encourages Gohan to set his rage free and to not hold back in order to protect the wild animals and the forests he loved. Cell, however, finally has enough, and smashes Android 16's head, killing him off for good. Witnessing the peaceful android's death finally pushes Gohan over the edge and his hidden power erupts, transforming him into a Super Saiyan 2, shocking everyone present. First, Gohan takes back the stolen bag of Senzu Beans from Cell and then effortlessly defeats the Cell Juniors with simple, yet powerful blows. Afterwards, Gohan gives an awestruck Trunks the bag of Senzu Beans to treat the fallen Z Fighters and heal their wounds while he faces Cell. After giving Krillin a Senzu Bean, Trunks says that they need to get farther away from the battle.

Despite his best efforts, Cell is no match for Gohan's new power, and ultimately, the boy forces him to regurgitate Android 18. Weakened and desperate, Cell pumps himself up like a balloon to self destruct, threatening to take the Earth along with him in a final attempt to kill Gohan. Goku sacrifices himself by teleporting both himself and Cell to King Kai's Planet where he promptly explodes. However, Cell survives and upon his reappearance, Cell impales Future Trunks through the chest with a Full Power Death Beam, mortally wounding him. As Cell boasts that he is better than ever, Vegeta is still stunned by Future Trunks' injuries. While Gohan prepares to fight Cell again, Trunks uses up the last of his life energy to vomit up blood. Yamcha and Tien Shinhan rush over to aid him, only to realize he had died that moment. This act causes a drastic change in Vegeta, who becomes enraged that someone who cared about him has been killed and reveals his affection for his son. Vegeta then gives everything he can give to try and take down Super Perfect Cell although he fails and is overwhelmed by Cell's power, who takes all his attacks without a scratch and severely cripples him with a halfhearted blow, preparing to kill him like he did Trunks (only to have Gohan shield him, but at the cost of the use of his left arm).

After Cell's defeat, the deceased Future Trunks is taken to The Lookout where he is revived by Shenron, along with everyone else killed by Cell. However, Goku isn't resurrected, because he had already been brought back to life by the Dragon Balls before. The Dragon Team plan to use the Namekian Dragon Balls to bring Goku back instead, but then Goku himself intervenes. Goku, speaking through King Kai, tells them that the world will be better off if he remains in the afterlife, because his presence seems to attract bad guys. He leaves the protection of the Earth to the much stronger Gohan, and says a final goodbye to everyone. For their second wish, Krillin asks Shenron to turn Androids 17 and 18 into humans. Shenron denies the wish, saying it is beyond his power. Krillin then wishes for the bombs in the Androids to be removed. Shenron grants the wish and disappears. Trunks asks why Krillin would wish for that, and Krillin answers that he felt bad for them, having to go through life with a bomb in their bodies. Tien decides to leave, since Chiaotzu is likely worried about him. He tells the others they may never meet again, and wishes Trunks luck against the androids in the future before leaving. The rest of the group go their separate ways as well, with Trunks declaring that he plans to return to the future tomorrow. As they fly to Capsule Corporation, Yamcha mentions how Vegeta reacted to his death, which makes Trunks become shockingly proud of his father. After the celebrations for Cell's long-waited defeat, Trunks give Bulma the Time Machine which Cell use to came to that era[17] and Vegeta acknowledges Trunks while he says his goodbyes.

After saying his goodbyes, Trunks returns to his own time to exact revenge on the androids for murdering the Z Fighters. After reuniting with his mother, Bulma, Trunks hears a news update on the location of the androids and he quickly powers up into his Super Saiyan form, now greatly augmented by his two years of training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. At Parsley City, the Androids are about to kill another innocent man, when suddenly Trunks hurtles a very accurate energy attack which narrowly misses 17. The cocky androids foolishly underestimate Trunks and try to rush him. Trunks easily dodges their attacks and punishes them duly, obliterating 18 in a point-blank energy blast. 17 looks on in disbelief and his feelings soon turn to hatred, but he too is terminated with ease in a single blow, before being blown to dust effortlessly. The completely unscathed Trunks returns home since everything now seems at peace with the Earth, except he knows one thing remains: Cell who is likely around in his world.

Three years pass before the determined Bio-Android roams around in his Imperfect form, looking for the now nonexistent androids and comes across Trunks and Bulma saying their goodbyes near the time machine. Trunks is age 23 at the time. As Trunks is about to leave for the past one final time to inform them of his success, he senses Cell and sends his mother away. He turns towards Cell and begins to taunt him with his knowledge from the alternate past. He informs him that he has killed the androids from the current time. The cocky Cell approaches the half-Saiyan under the false impression that Trunks is still at the level of power when he initially went back in time and warned Goku, even weaker than the future Androids who are in turn inferior to Cell's strength by a long shot. However, Trunks reveals he destroyed the androids. While Cell was angry, he also realized that he could use the time machine to go back and absorb them but Trunks attacks him. The fight begins and Cell is clearly outclassed as Trunks hurls him outside of the city with a simple energy wave in his base state. Once outside West City, Trunks then transforms into a Super Saiyan and then proceeds to clobber Cell with great ease. When declaring that Cell must die, Cell gets enraged and launches his tail at Trunks.

Trunks takes action by grabbing Cell's tail and swinging him around in a circle, building up momentum, and then hurling him high into the air. Cell realizes that he has no hope against the new powers of Trunks, and prepares a Kamehameha large enough to destroy the planet, knowing all too well that he could survive in space. Cell begins the attack but is interrupted when Trunks powers up and unleashes a massive destructive wave of energy which incinerates Cell completely. With the future finally at peace, Trunks is seen looking towards the sky while thanking Goku and his friends in the past one last time.


Several years later, Trunks was invited to the Sacred World of the Kai by Shin to train in preparation for Babidi's arrival. He successfully pulled out the Z Sword and trained with it to increase his strength. Shin and Kibito were both impressed that he was able to master the Z Sword and so Shin decided to finalize his training by testing its sharpness by cutting a block of Katchin, the hardest metal in the universe. Before Shin could throw the block to Trunks, Kibito sensed Babidi's movements and so they then went to Earth and Trunks requested for his clothes to return to normal. After they reach Earth they managed to take out Pui Pui and Yakon. Trunks then battles Dabura as a Super Saiyan while wielding the Z Sword.

As he was fighting him, Dabura spits on the Z Sword, and as it was being turned into stone, Shin demanded Trunks to release the sword. As Trunks released the sword, it was completely turned to stone and broke when it fell to the ground, where Dabura burned it with his fire breath. Afterwards, Dabura delivered a strike to Trunks but Trunks held his blade until he was pushed back. Shin stated that he miscalculated Babidi having the ability to have Dabura as his servant and declared that he will prevent Majin Buu's revival as he charged at Babidi. However, Shin was attacked by Dabura and seeing this, Kibito attempted to assist Shin but Dabura blasted him. Shin was being tortured by Babidi and seeing this, Trunks out of anger transformed into Super Saiyan 2 and fiercely attacked Dabura. While Dabura was defending Babidi, Trunks delivered a powerful kick to Dabura and the impact managed to kill Babidi. Dabura was about to use his spear and throw it at Trunks, but Shin paralyzed Dabura and Trunks was able to kill him with a Burning Attack. Shin was glad that the world was at peace, then he perished.

In the anime, Future Trunks had become much stronger and was able to take on Dabura thanks to instructions he received from Shin. He faced Future Dabura and destroyed him along with Future Babidi, preventing the resurrection of Future Majin Buu.

Golden Frieza Saga

In the anime, while not seen in the present timeline Future Trunks appeared in a flashback killing Frieza when Shenron mention Frieza's death to Sorbet. He would later be mentioned by Bulma as one of the two Saiyans that defeated Frieza. Later, Gotenks showed up and attacked Tagoma and defused. When Frieza first looked at Trunks it reminded him of Future Trunks. After Frieza's death Trunks said next time he sees Frieza he would cut him in two which reminded Goku and Piccolo of Future Trunks.

"Future" Trunks Saga

Several years after killing Future Dabura and Future Babidi, and nine years after the fall of the Future Cell, in Age 796 an enigmatic man named Black goes berserk and causes humanity to be on the brink of extinction. Trunks attempts to stop Black, but fails. Bulma suggests that they should receive help from Goku and Vegeta in the past. Six months later, Bulma gathers enough fuel for a one-way trip to the past for the Time Machine, when all of a sudden, Black gets in their way. Future Trunks shields his mother when Black destroys the lab. Future Trunks is shocked to see that Black has Future Bulma. Future Bulma then tells him to go on without her, and that getting back to the past is the highest priority. Black then fires another ki blast, destroying the lab and Future Bulma, much to his horror. He then shakes it off and runs to find Future Mai, knowing that getting back to the past is their highest priority.

Trunks goes to search for Mai, and he is concerned at first when he knocks at her door and gets no answer, yet is relieved when he sees her. Mai asks where Bulma is, then is saddened when she realizes her death by the hands of Black, with Trunks crying over his loss. Trunks reignites the hope of going back to the past as he shows Mai the energy that Bulma sacrificed her life to get, further stating they can go back to the past. Trunks and Mai are seen in the room. Mai asks him if he wants to rest, yet he declines. Mai offers him a can of meat yet declines, as they saw a kitten walk by and they feed him. Trunks then offers half of the can of meat to Mai. Though reluctant, Mai eats up her fill. After she finishes eating, Trunks tells her that they only have enough energy to make a one way trip. They then prepare to leave to Capsule Corporation, and they both see the kitten leave, and that puts a smile on their face, and they run to Capsule Corporation.

Unable to sense Black's ki, Trunks and Mai went forward to the ruined Capsule Corporation building. However, as they approached the building, Black suddenly appears on the scene. He tells Mai to go ahead of him, giving her the energy and drawing his sword as he rushes in to engage Black. In a short skirmish, Trunks was outstripped by Black's unknown powers, and Mai rushed to his head. She volunteered herself as the decoy, telling him he was the one who needed to survive, and winded up critically injured by Black. Holding her unconscious body, Trunks was furious as Black descended and told him the day for him to die has arrived.

Clutching Mai's hand, Trunks started to think quick. Realizing Capsule Corps to be intact and that Goku Black is unaware of the Time Machine's existence, Trunks distracts him. However, infuriated by Black's goading of Mai's presumed death, he rushed Black head-on, and the two engaged in a fierce battle. Pushed to the edge, he uses his sword to stop a ki blast from Black, and blinds him with a Masenko. Trunks managed to flee to his time machine, and escaped from the future just in time, narrowly avoiding Black's Kamehameha.

Future Trunks manages to escape from Black and get the time machine 16 years into the past traveling from Age 796 to Age 780, where his time machine is found by a woman and he is located unconscious inside by his present counterpart. He is then rushed onto a gurney, where Present Trunks gets to see him, and is shocked by Future Trunks' arrival. He is then with Bulma, Vegeta, Goku, and Trunks, where they see him in his current state, much to their corresponding concern. Trunks eventually wakes up. Upon seeing Goku, Future Trunks begins suffering from PTSD and mistakes Goku for Black. Future Trunks suddenly rushes out of his bed and attempts to attack Goku in anger, much to Goku's confusion. However, Goku halts Future Trunks' attack by grabbing his arm before the attack could land. Future Trunks is snapped out of his trance and learns that Goku was revived long after he returned to the future. Future Trunks then meets his Present counterpart who is surprised to meet him before he goes to retrieve his sword, catching sight of present-day Mai in the process.

Bulma later explains the Time Machine to everyone as Future Trunks tells his counterpart they really first met when the latter was a baby. Future Trunks then meets Beerus and Whis learning they come from the world of the gods and that time travel is forbidden, punishable by death. As Bulma argues with them, knowing his mother's attitude means trouble, Trunks begs Whis (who he mistakes as the God) until the latter points out Beerus with Trunks learning he is the God of Destruction. Trunks begs Beerus for forgiveness and he lets it slide after Bulma gives him delicious food.

Future Trunks is later asked why he time travelled as he talks about a new enemy, when asked if it was Majin Buu, he tells them he prevented the villain's hatching. He soon explains the reason why he attacked Goku as the enemy he is facing looks exactly like him and explains what happened to the Future because of him even revealing that Future Bulma was killed by the man they have named Goku Black. Goku, curious to how strong Future Trunks is, asks to have a sparring match with him. Future Trunks accepts and powers up to Super Saiyan 2. Impressed, Goku also powers up to Super Saiyan 2 and then eventually goes farther to Super Saiyan 3. Bulma, fearing for the city, erects a barrier around them so they can fight in peace. Fully powered up, Future Trunks, as a Super Saiyan 2 attacks with his sword. The force from the blow shatters the barrier but Goku as a Super Saiyan 3 caught the blade without much effort then proceeded to overpower the young Saiyan. Goku helps Future Trunks to his feet and tells him that he is impressed with his power and is amazed that he was able to get so far on his own. Future Trunks is then greeted by Krillin and Piccolo, who ask if something happened in the future.

A sudden thunderstorm appears, and Black appears through a portal, which shocks Future Trunks. Future Trunks becomes enraged by Black's appearance in the past and he is ready to fight but is stopped by Vegeta. He watches the fight between Super Saiyan 2 Goku and Black and he wonders why Goku doesn't go all out, and Vegeta explains about Goku's bad habit of not fighting seriously in the beginning. When the fight ends, Black is sucked back into the future, but not before Black destroys the Time Machine. With the Time Machine destroyed, Future Trunks is stranded in the past with no way back to his timeline. He then learns about the Time Ring from Whis and Beerus and asks for one but Beerus tells him that the Time Ring can only be used by the Supreme Kais. Bulma then found a capsule and opens it, revealing the Time Machine that Cell came in from the future. Bulma revealed that before Future Trunks went back to the future after Cell's defeat he gave that capsule to Bulma, and Bulma placed it away and forgot about it over the years.

Future Trunks then meets present day Mai and tells her about her future counterpart. He tells her about her future counterpart and how she was the leader of the resistance against Black. Goku then interrupts the story saying that Future Trunks should rest since he's been pushing himself ever since he got to the present timeline. Future Trunks then takes a nap, but has a nightmare about Black so he wakes up and checks on the progress of the Time Machine, and Bulma says she already has the fuel for the Time Machine, much to Future Trunks' surprise. He then goes outside where Krillin and Piccolo are cleaning up the mess from the battle and asks them where Gohan is, thinking maybe he should take Gohan to the future as well. Piccolo disagrees with Trunks, because Gohan was not as strong as he used to be, and told Future Trunks he "wasn't the same Gohan he knew".

Future Trunks then visits Gohan during his conference, and they have ice cream together, while Future Trunks is somewhat shocked and slightly disappointed with Gohan's current power, and feels like he can't recognize him at all. Gohan invites him to meet his family, and they travel to Gohan's house, where Future Trunks meets Videl, Mr. Satan and Gohan's daughter, Pan. While Future Trunks waits for Gohan to finish his work, and Videl to prepare dinner, he babysits Pan, and wonders why is he was there doing nothing. Pan then begins a tug-of-war with Future Trunks over his sword, until Gohan arrives to stop Pan. Future Trunks and Gohan then go outside with Pan, and they begin to talk about how Gohan should be stricter with Pan, but can't help himself as he gets "soft" whenever he looks at her. After Future Trunks sees Gohan playing with Pan, he has a vision of how his future would've been if Black hadn't shown up, and realizes the reason why he has to fight Black; in order to allow the people of his future to live happily like Gohan and his family, and is finally able to lighten up after the traumatic events he witnessed. Upon arrival back at Capsule Corp, Future Trunks bumps into Krillin and talks for a while. Krillin nervously wants to introduce Trunks to his wife and child to which Future Trunks is excited to meet, a figure stumbles upon them, and it turned out to be Android 18. Upon seeing the android Future Trunks instantly recognizes her, calls out her name, and prepares to draw his sword, ready to attack her (thinking she is evil) but Krillin stops him and says that Android 18 is his wife. Initially, Future Trunks is both shocked and confused, however, Android 18 reveals she even has a child with Krillin which surprises Future Trunks even more, Android 18 approaches him and gives Future Trunks a friendly fist, to his anxiety Android 18 tells Future Trunks that she heard about him destroying her future timeline counterpart, and demands Future Trunks to pay, but Android 18 is just joking and rejoins Krillin and their daughter, to his slight relief, Future Trunks looks at Android 18 happy together with her family with an awkward look on his face, and goes on to check on his mother.

On the next day, Vegeta takes Future Trunks to the forest to train and Trunks powers up to Super Saiyan 2 and wants Vegeta to go Super Saiyan 3 like Goku did. Vegeta simply laughs and goes Super Saiyan Blue, which confuses Trunks initially, but Trunks is quickly able to figure out that the Super Saiyan Blue form has godly energy and also figures out Goku uses this form as well and believes that Black can easily be stopped if Goku and Vegeta fight him together. Vegeta begins to mock Trunks and makes a bet with Trunks: if Trunks could land a hit on him, Vegeta would forfeit and award the victory to Trunks. Trunks responds by transforming into Super Saiyan Third Grade, which Vegeta mocks and calls a primitive transformation as he charges Trunks rapidly moving around him to confuse him.

However, Future Trunks is able to follow his father and at the last moment turn back to Super Saiyan 2 and counterattack, Vegeta realizing Future Trunks lured him in with the form. Vegeta is quickly able to regain the upper hand and begins to attack, with Trunks able to hold his own for a time but is eventually kicked through the forest and into a cliff as Goku and Bulma arrive via Instant Transmission. Future Trunks appears to have been beaten and power back down to base form, as Vegeta lifts Future Trunks by his shirt and begins mocking Future Trunks more and telling him that his goal should be to become the strongest in the universe and not just to beat Black. Bulma attempts to move in to stop Vegeta but Goku stops her and says it's not over yet. Vegeta lowers his guard thinking he has won but Future Trunks springs to life and reveals he isn't hurt at all and headbutts Vegeta to the ground. Future Trunks begins to laugh at Vegeta and proclaims his victory over him, offering to help him up but Vegeta refuses and storms off. Future Trunks bows to his father and vows once again to not only defeat Black but to surpass him.

With the Time Machine fixed, Future Trunks then thanks everyone and he, Vegeta, and Goku head to the future. Upon arriving Future Trunks finds Future Mai's hat and Goku is shot at by the resistance thinking that Goku is Black. Future Trunks tells them that Goku is not Black, and they inform him of Future Mai's survival, and they meet the rest of the other resistance and refugees that survived Black's assault (including Future Yajirobe). The trio and Mai then head outside, and the three depart in search of Black.

Future Trunks, Goku, and Vegeta, signaled Black to their location. Future Trunks watches as Vegeta fights with Goku Black as a Super Saiyan Blue, but is shocked to see Goku Black's Super Saiyan Rosé transformation and him easily defeating Vegeta. Future Trunks is also shocked to see Future Zamasu and wonders who Goku Black is if the two are not the same person after all. As the two fight with Super Saiyan Blue Goku, Future Trunks joins in the fight, but the two are eventually defeated after it is revealed Future Zamasu is immortal. The three Saiyans are saved by Future Mai and Earth's resistance, and despite Future Trunks' protests, Future Mai sends the three back to the past in the time machine. By the time they arrive, they fall unconscious.

Back in the present, Future Trunks and the others lament on Zamasu's immortality as well as Black's Super Saiyan Rosé form, and listens on to Whis' theory on the matter. Outside on a swing, Future Trunks felt hopeless and depressed about any chances of saving his timeline, until his younger version tried to snap him out of it by sparring (the match was completely off-screen). Future Trunks did appreciate Kid Trunks' attempt to get him to persevere. Goku, Beerus, and Whis return to inform everyone of Zamasu's demise. Future Trunks wasn't entirely convinced and suggests going back to the future to confirm Beerus' theory. Future Trunks tells Kid Trunks that despite them being the same person, they had different lives, he tells the latter about the deaths of Goku, Vegeta, and the others, as well as the Android threat. He also reveals that he is from an alternate timeline (and not the actual future).

Future Trunks, Vegeta, Goku, and Bulma (who decides to tag along this time) return to the future, where they are greeted by the resistance and head into the base where the other members and refugees are. Future Trunks learns that Future Mai got injured trying to hold back Black, he immediately rushes over and chews a Senzu Bean to heal her (in a CPR fashion), he leaves with Goku and Vegeta to confront Black and Future Zamasu. The group is shocked when learning that Black wasn't created by the Super Dragon Balls, but was another Zamasu that stole Goku's body. Future Trunks and Vegeta enter the fight with Future Trunks wanting to take on Black. Black and Future Zamasu tell Future Trunks that he is one of the reasons they want to eradicate all mortals due to using the time machine and without him Black openly admits he would have never sought out Goku's body, calling Future Trunks a sinner. Enraged at their statements, Future Trunks charges at Black, but is quickly knocked out of his Super Saiyan 2 form and falls to the ground. Consumed by his anger, Future Trunks stand back up and takes on a completely new form never seen before, shocking everyone. As he slowly walks towards Black with an enraged expression, Future Trunks loudly exclaims that he will kill Black.

Future Trunks proceeds to battle Black and Future Zamasu, fueled by a blind rage, but they use their teamwork to overwhelm him. However his rage eventually subsides and in his new state, Future Trunks is able to combat both Black and Future Zamasu at the same time. Eventually, Future Trunks lands on the ground and asks Vegeta and the others to escape using the time machine then find a way to defeat Black and Zamasu, while he provides cover fire. Vegeta carries Goku and gives Mai the Senzu beans, while Bulma starts the time machine. Future Trunks manages to prevent Black from destroying the time machine as it disappears, then proceeds to fight against them.

Despite his best efforts, Future Trunks is eventually knocked out, but was saved by Mai. After waking up and eating a Senzu bean provided by Future Yajirobe, Future Trunks rescues Future Mai from a combined blast attack from Black and Future Zamasu after she attempts to assassinate Black. Future Trunks quickly devises a plan to separate the immortal Future Zamasu from Black and succeeds, leaving Black to fight Future Trunks in a sword duel. Black mocks Future Trunks' sword as a pathetic tool as he seemingly overwhelms him, but Future Trunks distracts him by throwing his sword before delivering three powerful gut punches followed by a full power Galick Gun. The beam sends Black flying through the forest, through his own hideout and straight into a mountain, where he appears be unconscious.

As Future Trunks attempts to regroup, Future Zamasu returns to try and kill Future Trunks. Realizing he only has one last attack in him, Future Trunks pretends to lower his guard before catching Future Zamasu in a lock. He decides that there must be a limit to Future Zamasu's regeneration, and attempts to blow him up in what appears to be a self-destruct attack, however he is stabbed through the back by Black who had recovered from their last encounter. Before a killing blow can be dealt, Goku and Vegeta return from the past and draw Black and Future Zamasu's attention, allowing Future Mai to save Trunks. After recovering, Future Trunks takes Future Mai to Bulma who orders Future Trunks to fix the Evil Containment Wave jar with super glue, telling Future Trunks that his Present counterpart is good at jigsaw puzzles.

Future Trunks fixes the jar and proceeded to learned the sealing technique, while Bulma leaves to distract Zamasu in order to buy time. He and Future Mai headed out shortly after and witnessed Zamasu lifting Bulma by her coat (the same way Black held Future Bulma). Future Trunks powers up and uses it on him, which seemed successful (that is until realizing that Goku forgot the amulet seal). Zamasu then escapes. Trunks and the others watched on as Black and Future Zamasu fused using the Potara earrings.

Future Trunks, Goku, and Vegeta prepared themselves against the merged Zamasu. Future Trunks takes on his new super form after seeing Goku and Vegeta defeated, he charges in, but proved little against the dark god's might. Realizing the desire to protect his world and its people, Future Trunks mustered up a lot of his energy to fire a Galick Gun, causing the fused entity to respond with a ki blast of his own. Future Trunks was slowly losing the beam clash, until Vegeta steps in (and fired a Galick Gun of his own), and the two managed to overpower the evil Kai/Saiyan hybrid. They both collapsed, proud of their seeming victory, but their defiance had only served to enrage Fused Zamasu. After Vegeta took a direct hit from the fused god's Lightning of Judgement, Future Trunks watched as Goku fired a Kamehameha wave at the enemy.

While watching the battle between Vegito Blue and Fused Zamasu, Future Trunks hears from Gowasu that the fusion of Goku Black and Future Zamasu is unstable; while the body may be immortal, the soul is not, so the Fusion is starting to destroy itself due to the conflict in body and soul. Bulma and Future Mai return with the time machine and what was left of Future Trunks's sword; staring at the blade, Future Trunks begins to hear everyone cheering for him and telling him not to give up. Inspired and with his will to fight returned, Future Trunks channels his ki through his broken blade, generating a long golden blade of energy. Thus rearmed, Future Trunks enters the fight to save the just-unfused Goku and Vegeta from death, engaging Fused Zamasu on his own as humanity's final hope.

During the fight, Fused Zamasu mocks Future Trunks and his "mortal weakness", asking him where he will go for help now, the past or the future. Future Trunks tells him he is not ashamed of his "mortal weakness" and he just wants to save everyone. Future Trunks's allies fervently pray for his victory, causing him to subconsciously channel the energy of everyone who is still alive into a large ball of light. Upon noticing the massive orb and realizing what it is, Future Trunks flies into it and absorbs the energy, transforming his blade into a giant greatsword made of the light energy and making him equal to Fused Zamasu. As he calls for everyone to give him their energy, Goku and Vegeta wake up and give their remaining power to Trunks. Now fully engulfed in an aura of light energy, Future Trunks shatters Fused Zamasu's own ki blade before stabbing the formerly immortal god. Defying the mad god's final claim of superiority, Future Trunks uses his empowered blade to slice Fused Zamasu clean in half, destroying his body and ending the crusade of the fallen god once and for all.

While everyone congratulated Future Trunks for defeating the crazed entity, Zamasu however was shown to have survived and eschews his physical body to become one with the universe. Future Trunks, Goku, and Vegeta rushed to stop hi