

universe Shinza Banshou

Frederica's powers and abilities

Power of Ego

An ability of Daeva that use their will power to distort the laws of physics.



A special Commandment, capable of being used then thrown away, akin to a consumable good or daily clothing, provided the conditions and time period have been limited in advance. For example, in exchange for establishing the binding of "I won't speak for 3 days", you'll get "Telepathic powers restricted to 3 days", then speaking from the 4th day onwards won't violate the Commandment. Since Commandment is a conviction of one's soul, this kind of technique should not be possible. However, Man Murdering Demons are empty to the core, thus logic don't apply to them.

Killer Queen

In exchange for "Neither dodging or defending against any attacks the opponent", the boon is ""Immortality, as long as she abides by the binding". It was said the her immotality is the best through out all of the Throne eras.



A scythe that was made by Khvarenah. It has a long "history" of murder. The weapon itself can be consider a Daeva, regardless of its will of life. With Power of Ego, it can distorted space, ignoring distance.